Jamie Cross

The Main Character
Chicago, IL.

"Mei, Mei, Mei. I must thank you. I must thank you for confronting me last week on Voltage. Because you interrupting what I was going to do, not only made me want to whoop your ass, but it reminded me of who I truly am. You lit a flame under me that I haven't had lit under me in a long time here. The last few weeks since I lost to Milli, I lost it! mentally, physically. I was, and still am sort of a mess. Do I regret some things I've said? No. Not because I don't think they were wrong, but because I live life with no regrets these days. I've learned from my past mistakes, which is a common theme in my career, leaning. I've learned from every aspect in my career so far. from the big wins on nation wide events, to losses in the same field, for the biggest prizes. My most recent lesson was from you; Mei. You've taught me alot over the last few weeks, weeks that have felt like months and at times, years. You've taught me alot about my own patience levels, all in the same subject, different learnings. Almost like it's some middle school subject. I don't think you know my middle school history, but it's almost like its the same story, different day. I was befriended by people who never had my future in mind, I was used and abused, tossed and thrown all across the hallways of my school. I've truly never looked at the education system the same since I left it. Everything that happened to me in those days, reminds me alot of the way our interactions have been the last few weeks, The only difference is, I'm not some fourteen year old girl, unknowing of her skills and unknowing of how to fight back. But now, now is a different story. Now all of those memories of what little-me was forced to put up with are coming back, now the chip on my shoulder has grown even more and you are on the other end of a very, very, very furious Jamie Cross, and that isn't a good place to be. You've reminded me alot of a middle school bully and that's why Voltage will be the most comfortable i've ever been surrounded by weapons, with no one to stop me. No one to pull me off you, I've got all the time in the world to not only beat the hell out of you for me, but beat the hell out of you for that fourteen year old Jamie Cross who had no way to defend herself. This is my chance for revenge, to close a story I've never been given the chance to finish before...

And in all honesty, before my match with Milli Banks, the idea of entering a match that involved no rules, no referee and an unlimited amount of violence sounded like walking through hell, it sounded like being
tortured for money and pleasure. But like I said, my entire career has been about learning. and after Bloodsport, I learned that being inside those ropes, with no referee an unlimited amount of violence. Against someone like you, Isn't scary, It isn't something to fear. It's something to crave. And unluckily for you, I've been craving this bit of revenge for far too long, you just chose the right fight, at the wrong time. I don't just hope to break you, or hope to beat the hell out of you with whatever I can find at ringside. I want to send you to the void, to meet President Loki or Kid Loki, or whoever the hell else is in the place. Probably some former EAW Talent like Hoodlum or Danny Cage. Maybe you can find some people who you know from your past, I'm sure Sierra is down there! so you can see a familiar face who can introduce you to the rest of the gang. And there, there you can sit and think about where you went wrong, for the rest of time. I want to end your comeback tour before it can even fully kickoff. Maybe, I can turn it into the Jamie Cross comeback tour. And put myself back where I feel I belong, in the New Breed Championship Picture. As they say, third time is the charm, and I'm dying to test my luck. I'm dying to test my luck and to test that saying, is it really the charm. I gotta know. But Mei, Mei is being a roadblock in my fastlane to getting back to that picture, being a roadblock in my path to the top. and I can't take it any longer, I can't take this evergrowing feeling that every time I take a step forward, Mei is right there to pull me right back.

Mei can complain and complain all she wants about having to sit in catering whist I got opportunities, But I think she just chooses to ignore all the loses I've had, and only pay attention to the wins. I've never been handed anything in my career, I lost my first big match in this company in my home-town. and I earned to get there, I earned to get that shot, and I failed it. I earned to get my shot at Caroline, and I blew that too. and we all know I earned to face Milli Banks. I fail, we all fail. But I don't see anyone else batting an eye to the fact I've earned all the shots I've been given, Even if I blew them. And honestly, Mei. I can't help but think maybe you were stuck in catering because you signed away your career and your life to be secondary to Serenity and Sierra. I can't help but say, that was your own fault. And that's coming from someone who at one point was a fan of the three of you. You're talented, Mei. We all know it, It's no secret. You're not the best kept secret of Elite Answers Wrestling. But Serenity saw a chance to use you as a crutch and she did to perfection, because she knows she doesn't have the skills to carry herself on her own. You've taught me alot recently, said it before. I think this time, this week, It's time I teach you something. How to be the best Mei possible. Because maybe that's all thats stopping you from getting the same chances I've gotten. You talk about how Charisma and management look at me, think of how they look at you. You are just another roster member to them, You need that breakout match, That breakout moment that makes then wonder why they aren't putting you on tv much! Thankfully, I specialize in that field! I got a college degree in giving people great matches! But thinking I get any sort of special treatment is just outright insanity, Maybe you should be in a mental hospital. Like Diego was in Umbrella Academy, Atleast he knew what he was talking about, Not so sure about you.

Wouldn't be the first time I colored you crazy, because thinking I even have a "spot" in Elite Answers Wrestling is insanity, I've lost it all, Mei! No one is watching my every move and strapping a rocket to me, If that was true I wouldn't of been on... multiple... losing streaks over my near year career here. If someone was watching over me and strapping a rocket on me to give me chance after chance after chance, well then I apologize to that person for not living up to their standards and expectations. But, third times the charm, Right? Mei, you have been a thorne in my side for far too long. I don't care if it been weeks, or months, or even years. I've felt held down and used, and I'm tired of only having one excuse as to why I'm not in a championship picture anymore, and that excuse is you. I got goals, alot of them. and don't take this to heart, but none of them currently have your name on them. Meaning, you're like... a side quest. And people usually do side quest when they're bored and got nothing else to do, but im not bored and I got better things to be doing. Meaning, I need this side quest to end.

I have to finish my story before it's too late, and I won't let you become a chapter, hell, I'll just give you a page in my story. A page that will be written in your own blood and tears after Voltage comes to a close, and you lay on the mat looking up at the lights, feeling the pain of EVERY single weapon under that ring, the aftermath of every single weapon colliding with your skin. You can cry and complain about me being "given" everything I've had here so far, but after Voltage one thing will be certain. I won't be "given" my revenge over you, I'll be taking it, on my own.


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