Jamie Cross

The Main Character
Chicago, IL.

So, I’m gonna beat you again Jamie.

Holly, Holly, Holly.

Maybe the alcohol is getting to you a little bit, See, this is why I praise straight edge people.

Me personally, I'm ALWAYS down for some wine on a Friday night to relax and watch some Loki Season One.

But even I know my limits.

do you?

Three Eliminations this, Three Eliminations that. Eliminations don't mean anything, Holly. The history books, the record books won't discuss eliminations they'll only say who won the match, and who loss the match.

Trust me, I know the history books VERY, VERY well.

Sometimes they can make your career, and other times they can break your career.

You go out of your way to say you're going to beat me again, Then you go on to disrespect me?


Like, Holly, What did I do to you?!

I think maybe all the blood from your head rushed down to your ass with all the disrespect you show me.

I never disrespected you! I complimented you...

Then you want to go out of your way to say that my fandom of marvel is for "cheap fans" cmon Holly, You're a champion, I expected better from you. My fans are not cheap, If I had a guess or even a statistic overlook upon my fans, I'm sure they are very rich! They work very good jobs, paying the bills. With Very, Very, VERY hot significant others, and they happen to like marvel!

That's my fans! and they are amazing! I wouldn't have it any other way.

I don't even want to know what the Holly Arrow & Harper Lee fanclub looks like, Not as good as mine though. No Offense 😇

You sit here and complain about how my only personality trait is the MCU then follow it up with Anime references! You're only personality traits are tag team champion and anime, and to be honest, I had no god-damn clue what the hell you were talking about! sounded like you were speaking a new language or something. The only thing I understand about your entire rant was something about Chris Elite..

Who the hell brought Chris Elite in this?! Chris is probably just minding his own business, somewhere doing something and you just throw his name into this like he belongs.

And for your information, Holly. People care about me and cheer for me because I am like that underdog from the underground. I am like that underground rock band that you listen to because no one else listens to them, I am like that underground indie wrestler that you become a fan of so when they make it to the tippy-top they can say they were a day one supporter.

Take our top womans wrestler, our greatest of all time; Dr. Bethany Blue M.D for a great example, I am a day one supporter. I've been rooting her on since the day she showed up in EAW, sitting on my couch and cheering. and Now I've gotten the chance to work with her and hopefully one day I'll get to work beside her.

Don't get it twisted, Holly. I don't have nothing! I have alot, I have money, I have funko pops, I have the entire MCU on Blu-Ray and Digital. What more could I need?? Championships?? Pfft. Cmon, It's just scrap metal and paint.... right.... Doesn't matter, either way, The only thing I'm coasting on right now is some Dr. Pepper, Zero of course. I am NOT a monster. And some of my world famous home-made bread. It's very good, especially for peanut-butter and jelly's. If you want some, let me know.

I get the vibe that all you can do is bring other people into this, First Chris Elite and now Milli Banks. I tried, I tried so hard to keep this civil between just Jamie Cross and Holly Arrow but all you can do is bring up xyz, Its honestly making me sad, I expected a good clean encounter from a professional wrestler who is on her way to the very top of Elite Answers Wrestling, and Holly. But you just seemingly can't follow the script!

Where you are wrong is saying that I don't have a future set it stone, Because I surely do. A loss is a loss, I'm not sitting here mocking you for your loss at Territorial Invasion, Sure, I mentioned it. But it doesn't mean I'm mocking it and using it as fuel, because simply, Territorial Invasion was just a night we don't discuss. For everyone, Including me, Including you. It had nothing to do with this match, It quite honesty is of no importance for another three-hundred-sixty-five days when we revisit the event. My future isn't set it stone, it's set on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame where I will be put for my award winning performance that won me the Iconic Cup!

And it'll be done at your expense in the first round. :)

No Offense! 😊

I'm not trying to follow in Bethany Blue's shoe's, they are quite honesty too big for me to fill. I'm also not trying to be a footstep in your path to sucess, I hope, I truly do, I hope you make it where you want to go here, Are the tag team titles the end of the line for you? Is that what you wanted to do when you first signed here, Is that the end goal.

Doubt it.

Although, Most tag teams don't dream about being tag team champions before they make it to that level, Either way, If you have dreams of making it to the world title scene or making it to the hall of fame, I wish you the best of luck in doing so, knowing you don't wish me the same kind of luck, But that's okay. I'm sure you will be just fine heading up the ladder to that scene without the Iconic Cup attached to your name, or to your resume...

At this rate, I'm fine with about anything attached to my name, or to my resume. Besides being called Roddy St.-James, Probs for calling me a main character, I guess? Odd movie to choose from, I guess I'll take it although I'd much rather be Rita Malone, She's alot hotter.

So, I’m gonna beat you again?? Jamie.


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