MATCH PROMO "Moving Forward Just Call Us ... THE ROYAL ELITE" - VOLTAGE RP 2

Dr. Bethany Blue

Miami, FL.

Dr. Bethany Blue’s Health Tips #296

Here is this over excessive use of an excuse called Mental Health. We have arrived at a point where people cannot handle the truth and the chaos of life in general or even their career in the EAW. Some can handle things better than others, and yet they can never get things right, which is what happens when they face strong willed people like myself and Adam Lucas. I really don’t know how they can even live with themselves to be honest especially after we get through with them and sink them further into mental distress.




As the week progresses and Voltage is around the corner, both Dr. Bethany Blue and Adam Lucas prepare for a tag team battle against two individuals who have not only teamed before in the War Games and at House of Glass against the very team they will be facing in Fire & Ice. Bethany knows this isn’t some meshed up team, but two individuals that know one another and are very well in tune with what they can do as a tag and are also more than just partners, and though they are nowhere near the same sentiment as Bethany and Adam, where they have been together since late 2021,both Bea Valentine and Michael Machina though would have each other’s backs. They also know that Machina is like a machine and has been on a roll, Bea is a fast rising star, and both were drafted early for Voltage and before either Bethany or Adam, matter of fact, they were all drafted before Bethany was which has left a huge chip on her shoulder.

Now she must wonder what is next after Road to Redemption.

For Bethany it is Championship Gold, same with Adam Lucas, and a win here would go a long way for both momentum heading into Edmonton and at the same time show that they can indeed beat the hottest wrestlers who are in Chambers. Both Adam and Bethany are more than just ready, to do whatever it takes to walk out the victors in what should be a classic. They are two who are on the same page and are willing to do whatever it takes in order to make it all work for their own benefit. With what happened last week, Bethany for sure isn’t too happy about it, they look to not only recover but also right the ship.

Bethany is in her medical office in New Jersey, closer to her final destination before flying out to Saskatoon looking over some charts. She wears black slacks, a white blouse and lab coat, her legs crossed wearing peep toe pumps with dark red polish. Her long wavy sandy blonde hair is in a half-ponytail, reading glasses on as the camera starts to record, swinging her Stethoscope with the other.


She takes a moment before speaking in a very calm and professional tone to address her opponent.

“Why do I feel like this is some budding sitcom that both Adam and I are in right now? The cute little back and forth between our opponents, Bea Valentine and Michael Machina, it was “cute” in a very vomiting sort of way, like please, roll the eyes, change the channel because this is worse than a Holiday Hallmark movie that all have the same script and ending.

We deserve better than listening to some overbearing tramp and some Troglodyte talking about dogs, butlers and how great they have been since House of Glass. I try very hard to find this amusing in many ways, to see things play out on one hand and then actually listening to our opponents and their thoughts on something that they cannot control.

Let me explain.

What am I besides a talented Elitists who is the best female technical wrestler in the world, has many accomplishments to her name, is married to a very sexy man, could be a model or an actress if she wanted to be, but most importantly is a doctor and what is their job? To care for others, but it is also about being in complete control of a situation and not allowing it to somehow get out of hand because of the carelessness of the patient. As a medical professional, it is my duty to make sure I stay on top of anything that happens, which is why I am successful, but what I am hearing is two Elitists who have found some success and apparently each other thinking that suddenly they are on the same level as Dr. Bethany Blue and Adam Lucas. Listen to me very closely, no matter how adorable this looks from these two, it is exhausting to be in the position that we are now, entertaining this, and then looking across at the tag team match that we have in a few weeks against Fire and Ice, and Ad Infinitum. Rex and Raven at nauseum make us both want to claw our eyes out and not listen to anything they have to say. Always being subjected to their little love story and skits, that NOBODY cares. Then we have Veena Adams and Charlie Marr, the history between Charlie and I is well documented, and Veena is just lucky to even be a name now, but either way, what Adam and I both see is a perfect match to get us READY, a tune up of you will so that everyone knows that we are not only the best team in the Triple Threat, but also the most successful couple in professional wrestling.

So, what does that leave for us now?

What am I supposed to think after the gibberish and nonsensical crap that all of us were exposed to just a few days ago? Adam and I had to think about it while having Thanksgiving Dinner with the family, because unlike everyone else here, we actually have a huge get together at my parents house, it is elaborate and catered by some of the best chef’s in Florida, for one of them is Puerto Rican and lives in Orlando, love that guy!

Anyways, we are not here to talk about five star chef’s that are simply amazing, we are here to talk about a time to give thanks to US. Yes, see Adam Lucas and I actually make Voltage credible. Not Methuselah who these days is dropping matches to Bea Valentine, how embarrassing. Jaundice Jake Smith obviously is MIA, and nobody cares, worst EAW World Champion in history, and the Ava cunts can’t hold a candle to me. We are the brand even if Captain Charisma is so far up the ass of Nepotism to even see it for what it is, and yet here we are, with entertaining two Elitists that were drafted before us.

What does that tell you, huh?

That our Commissioner is a complete buffoon, but I am not telling you anything that you do not already know. Let’s be honest with ourselves here, the fact is that the only reason Michael Machina and Bea Valentine are in the Main Event of Voltage is because of us. I have already beaten Bea Valentine, I would defeat Michael Machina too, embarrassments for Voltage thanks to our leadership at Territorial Invasion, which is why I took time off after I was drafted here again and the disrespect I have been receiving is an absolute farce. But come Voltage we are going to change that, and show why at Road To Redemption that is our match to win. As for this season so far, it has been nothing less than a comedy of errors that both Adam and I have had to deal with. Now we walk into a match that basically nobody thinks we can win, that is rather funny considering we are two former World Champions, two former King and Empress of Elite, two Pain For Pride Main Eventers. What we represent is the very best that this company has to offer but because of our attitude, nobody likes us. We are not the favorites of the brass, we don’t fall in line anymore with what their vision is, why?

We did the same thing, and everyone shit on us for it.

After I lost the Specialist Championship, I was humbled some, started to appreciate this sport more and the competition, but as I continued to play that of role model and doing everything that was asked of me, an ambassador even, it was bitches like Andrea Valentine that whined and complained who were seen as the better option than me. It was Sheridan Muller who was getting all of the attention when I was the Empress of Elite. It was Kassidy Heart that this company put their promotional power behind after all she has done to spit in the face of it. My husband, the same thing, he bled for all of you and for what?


Nothing and then you wonder why we hate all of you.

Well, long as you pay those medical bills and have insurance that I actually take then at least you’re tolerable.

But mots of you couldn’t afford my medical services anyway.”

The Good Doctor sits back and just shakes her head, knowing that everything she said at least according to her is factual. And now that she has gotten that out of the way it is time to address her opponents individually in both Michael Machina and Bea Valentine. Bethany is obviously feeling a certain type of way and that has fueled her determination even more as she speaks.

“Bea Valentine likes to use the word “Generic” a lot and why?

She has nothing better to say or have anything else on us. She can’t call us losers now can she say that we are not successful or made our names with wins throughout our careers. We are not wallflowers and fragile little bitches that with a couple of losses we have a mental breakdown and “retire”. Bea Valentine is all show, she cannot act like a normal person and the cunt wants to say that6 I need a therapist? Do you want to know what Bea Valentine is?

A loser.

She makes a big deal about wining two matches in a row after “retiring” which she never did, it was a chance for an attention seeking whore to get some sort of sympathy by others because she lost a few matches, boo fucking hoo. So, she beats Methuselah WITH HELP. She beats Halsey Neel WITH HELP. She pins Adam AFTER Solomon Stane attacks him and Michael takes advantage, tags her in so she can feel good getting the fucking pin!?


NO! Bea Valentine has ZERO credibility.

She can’t win due to LACK of talent but suddenly she is revived again when she can’t do anything on her own. One on one I BEAT her unconscious. She has Ashlynn Quinn and Cornelius in her corner because she needs the assistance. She will piggyback off Mickey because he is the BIGGER star. All Bea Valentine has shown is that as a wrestler, she can never get it done on her own, but then calls Adam and I Generic, that’s funny considering the bitch complains about being called Becca Black, and then turns around and calls me a Fake Doctor.

Every single wrestler I have ever faced calls me that because they have NOTHING else on me. Bea Valentine is exactly what is wrong with this company, you bring in these eccentric and neurotic cunts who want to accuse me of some questionable business practices and basically accuse me of sexual harassment with this whole “Me Too Movement” garbage and then wants to create some narrative that I am a psychotic Doctor that goes against the Hippocratic Oath and everything it means to be one and practice medicine.

Well, Bea Valentine is a piss poor out of work actress that should be homeless and shooting up drugs for sex.

I am a very dangerous woman and in the EAW I use my expertise in medicine for my advantage, why not? I have the extensive knowledge of the human anatomy and could hurt even the toughest of Elitists with a simple punch, that says a lot. But Bea, you are pathetic, I don’t understand what Captain Charisma, or this company sees in you. What I do know is that being a Drama Queen and creating these false anecdotes is not the sign of a winner, but a desperate bitch that can’t keep her emotions at bay and is a terrible wrestler who uses her “friends” as a compensation for the lack of talent. It eats you up inside to know that you are facing a woman that is your better and will always be. Just because you were able to get some cheap wins over Methuselah and Halsey Neel doesn’t make you special, Bea, it doesn’t define you as a World Class Elitist or future World Champion, please.

It makes you look desperate to grab at anything to keep you relevant.

Matter of fact, it makes Bea Valentine a farce, a fake, a sore spot in this sport, all show and no go, that IS who you ARE and Bea and it’s embarrassing. What you are looking at right now is two world class athletes, two wrestlers that were having a simple marital squabble and differences aside, we were able to work out our problems as adults and professionals that love each other. We were able to work through things because I was afraid that Adam would get devoured by this company and it’s excessive intent of making my husband sacrifice everything for what? To be completely disrespected by the same people that he sacrificed everything for?


We are not Lemmings like you, Bea.

We don’t celebrate little cheap shit victories, and any little momentum gained, we don’t create nonsensical press for ourselves seeking an audience, and we definitely do not act like some strung out self-entitled diva like you Bea. The last time we faced, I schooled you, since then you have never been the same. Losing that title, you called Gloria was inevitable, as being one of the weakest Specialist Champions of all time. Honestly Bea, the only reason Voltage gives you any attention is because you are funny to watch in a very pathetic way. Your meltdowns are entertaining for some, I see it more as a chance to prescribe some medication for your intolerable ass.

Bea, you are nowhere near my league, and have absolutely no business facing us. Truth be told, this is a mercy kill, you have already show the inability to win the big one. Territorial Invasion was the perfect example, House of Glass was another and if you think that Raven Roberts and Rex McAllister were tough, and you couldn’t even beat them?

What the fuck do you think is going to happen with us, Bea. We are miles ahead of Fire and Ice, yet you two couldn’t beat them. I have dealt with little brittle bitches like you the last five and a half years and not a single one of them survived the grind. They called me a fake doctor, they claimed I was a psycho, all I ever heard was this was a gimmick and wouldn’t last, but all this time later with a World Championship, Empress of Elite, Main Event at Pain For Pride and Triple Crown Champion, what are they saying now?

You will never reach the same accolades that I or Adam have Bea, because in truth the supporting character in all of this is you. Mikey is the real talent; you are just a hanger on like your butler and that Barbie, poor excuse for an EAW Elitist.

Bea Valentine…

… you are a fucking dumpster fire, and I will expose you for the talent-less hack that you are.”

Bethany smirks, but at the same time looks very annoyed at the same time. She takes a second to collect herself before moving on to the next topic, that of course being Michael Machina, the second half of this team. She takes a second before getting up and walking around to her desk, she then twirls her gold plated stethoscope around before speaking.

“I have a question for Michael Machina.

What makes him more deserving of a Chamber spot than me? Than Adam Lucas? He hasn’t defeated either one of us, he didn’t pin my shoulders to the mat, but see, I am used to this bullshit. For the last five years I have been skipped to compete in the chamber, and three of those five I deserved it a hell of a lot more than any Ava or the people in the EAW World Championship one. Bea Valentine is an overrated loser that shouldn’t even be sniffing any championship gold opportunities and while Michael has talent, he is definitely someone that should be kicked in the balls for pretending to be the guy even if this fucking brand wasted a high pick on him, but that might be a little harsh, as he does have the potential to one day be a World Champion, I am not denying that.

You are obviously the anchor of this team, Bea or Phoebe, whatever the fuck you want to call her is just the victimized damsel in distress, she is Faye Grant, and you are King Kong, congratulations. Like I told her Mike, she can’t win a fucking thing by herself, so that is why you exist, why being part of the team is the only hope in hell she has, but here is the thing, look who you are facing?


That is right, it’s our NEW Tag Team Name, we have held the crowns, but I think you misunderstood me here. I don’t feel like Adam, and I are being overlooked, after what we have done in this profession, that is impossible, even for Captain Charisma, instead we are being held down. They don’t want me in that Chamber, because I would walk out as the Universal Women’s or EAW World Champion! Then there is you, who I did compare to Andre Walker, not because you are the same man as him,. We all know he's nothing but a little crybaby bitch that couldn’t handle the pressures of the spot he was given which was literally handed to him because he had that “look”. See, that is what you are Michael, a look. But you’re not a mouse like Walker, you are a man, that much I can acknowledge, but the question will be is can you handle it? Can you be that face of Voltage?

I don’t think so.

Do I look like a woman that cares who you have or haven’t beaten? Am I the type that is going to cry to you like Ms. Extreme has? Her fall from grace needs to be studied, that is for sure, but again Michael, your size and strength doesn’t bother me, I am not scared of what you are capable of because in one second I could stop your fucking heart. I could one of your ligaments or limbs with ease, incapacitate you in an instance. This is why I am the most dangerous wrestler alive in this company and in reality, you are a lone act, brother.


Think about it for a second, you are carrying 143 pounds of shit, and honestly with that fat ass, she should come to me so that I can give her a prescription for Wegovy. Michael, I’m sure that many have you as the favorite inside the Chamber thanks to the exception of Adam and myself. Jake Smith is a coward, he is skinny fat, has a small penis and has no business as the top guy on Voltage, I think we can all agree with that, but Mikey, you cannot call yourself the best until you BEAT the best and that is what Adam, and I are. That bullshit match you had with “Phoebe” against Adam and Limmy was marred with interference, but if you are going to stand there and revel in it like your partner, than that makes you just as sad and paltry as she is.

I have always flipped the script, I don’t go by the cue cards or notes, saying whatever the fuck I please and doing so without any remorse or fear of consequence. I’m one of the most intelligent wrestlers in this business, and if you think that we are supposed to be so impressed because of what you have done the last few seasons, spare us. I won my first Championship in less than two months to begin my career. I was undefeated in singles competition for the first six months I was in the EAW. I defeated the likes of Terry Chambers, Ms. Extreme, Rex McAllister, Raven Roberts, and so many others with ease, that is how you make an impact.

But of course, because you had a good run on Dynasty, that suddenly that is going to reciprocate here, but I will say this, that no matter what happens inside that Chamber, in 2025 they will have to deal with me.

But I think you know about momentum, Mikey.

Adam and I are going to send a message to Ad Infinitum and Fire & Ice. We are going to do it and add to whatever miseries you think is happening. Unlike your girlfriend, that loves to turn everything into a production, I think it is safe to say that you understand how this works. Do you think that I haven’t been through the same, we all have. But I turned it around and showed the entire company that I am one of the very best, but that is also my curse, Mike. They know how good I am, what I am capable of. Scared to death putting me in a situation where I can win a Championship, because they know I will hold that fucker hostage.

Methuselah is a piece of shit, he screwed you over to have sex with his skank wife at your expense, so on that front I would applaud you breaking him in half, but make no mistake about it Michael, respect or no respect, one thing is for certain, I see you as an asset no matter what my husband says, but I will remind you like I will everyone else there is only ONE of ONE in this bitch, and her name is Bethany Blue.

But don’t worry, I’m going to perform an autopsy on your girl and make you watch just for shits and giggles.

Courtesy of The Royal Elite.

The Doctor Will See You Now.”

Dr. Bethany Blue pauses for a second, stopping the twirling of her stethoscope before she then breaks out in slight chuckle, she then walks away off camera where it was Adam Lucas that was filming. They both leave hand in hand.




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