
World Heavyweight Champion
I still remember that night like it was yesterday. Walking through the curtains, seeing those bright lights shining down on me for the first time in months, hearing my theme song get drowned out by the cheers of the crowd. That was Grand Rampage 2020.

The night I came home.
The night I felt like I had a purpose again.

That purpose was what Drake King has been trying so valiantly to remind me of, as if I don’t already remember it so clearly. As if I ever forgot. Newsflash; I didn’t. I know exactly why I returned, I know exactly how much I hated that concept of ‘greed’, and I know exactly how hard I fought against it. I know exactly who Myles was, but where Drake goes wrong is that he doesn’t understand the importance of the word ‘was’ in that sentence. Drake thinks that the man from Grand Rampage 2020 is the man I am right now, but he couldn’t be further from the truth. He thinks I am deliberately ignoring my true self, he thinks I am somehow being fake for the sake of impressing Minerva, but anybody who knows me truly would know that I would never put anything above my sense of duty. And to this day, I never have. My duty has always and still is, my primary reason behind everything I do. But what you don’t understand Drake, is that that duty has changed. It has evolved, it has realized its own flaws and become something different. Something better. My duty has become to realize my potential as the true fighter that I am instead of wasting time advocating for a change that isn’t necessary. So I am not putting Minerva above my duty, I am simply saying that said duty has changed. And now that it has changed, I do not need you anymore. I do not need someone who only hurts the ones closest to him, because all that would do is mean that one day you would do the same to me. One day you’d punish me for being myself, because who I am has changed into being someone that is different from you. And anybody who is different from Drake King is wrong in your eyes. Anybody who doesn’t agree with you in every aspect of life is in the wrong, and that right there is the problem with the New Eden mindset. That discontent for difference is dangerous, it’s ignorant, it’s narcissistic and above all else; greedy. It’s greed that makes you expect everyone to be the same as you, and it’s greed that makes you hate anyone that’s not. You’re trying to create a world that only YOU want, and regardless of whether you think it’s for the ‘greater good’ or whether it’s what's best for everyone, the fact of the matter still is that this is a wish that only YOU desire. And a lonesome desire like that, is it not the definition of greed?

This is what I mean when I call you a hypocrite. You’ve tried so hard to put an end to greed that you’ve failed to realize that that wish in itself is the epitome of it. You’ve created a man who is his own adversary, but you’re in denial of it. You don’t wanna give the world OR yourself even a second to consider that notion, and so, you resort to a desperate attempt at averting the blame. You attack others for their greed, you demean them, you reprimand them, you belittle them, all just so that everyone, including yourself, can be distracted from who you truly are. And admittedly, it worked. On Minerva and I, at least. For months and months we’d run rampant attacking whoever you deemed a threat to this ‘greedless’ society of yours, and while we were directing so much time and energy forward at our enemies, we forgot to look sideways. And that was our biggest mistake, because right beside us stood the man who we failed to ever truly question. We failed to see through your well constructed mirage to see who you really were; the symbol of greed. To your last breath, you are a hypocrite, but the thing with you is, you’re actually good at your job. VERY, VERY, good. Whether it be wrestling or these verbal debates, or whatever else you need to do, you, Drake King, are extremely talented at everything you do. And that includes manipulating people. You are really good at manipulating people into believing that you’re this selfless advocate, so good that you’ve even managed to manipulate yourself into actually believing that you are who you say you are. Your magic worked on yourself. It worked on Minerva. It worked on me. All until that one night, where you finally bit off more than you could chew. You finally got way too confident in your own ability and you. fucked. up. See, you were so used to attacking others in order to free yourself from all accusations, that you actually thought you now had the power to do it to us. The ones who were closest to you. You attacked Minerva and you thought “hey, they believed me when I did this to SOSA! They believed me when I did this to Malcolm! They believed me when I did this to Jamie! Why would they not believe me if I did it to THEM?” Well guess what, I am not falling for that shit anymore. You tried so hard to convince us that you’re not greedy that it cycled right back around to showing us just how greedy you truly are. Your own ego exposed you, and that is still the case to this day, because regardless of whatever nicknames you call yourself, regardless of all the christlike outfits and the holy demeanor, behind all that facade, you are still the same Paragon you always were.

The same traitor.
The same narcissist.
The very same greedy little Drake King.

Of course, that’s not why I’m here to end you though. You ARE greedy, but the days where I punish people for that are behind me. I’d rather focus on better things now. See, all this time we’ve spent trying to change a business that didn’t need change could’ve been used to focus on maximizing our battles to be the best they could possibly be, but it wasn’t until you destroyed New Eden that I realized that. So thank you Drake. Thank you, because you’re the one who made me realize how much of an entitled, delusional, self-righteous scumbag I truly was. You’re the one who made me realize that my true purpose in this industry isn’t to punish people for their lifestyle, it’s to fulfill my potential as a fighter. So you ask “What happened to the fighter”? Nothing. He’s right here. Stronger than ever. More focused than ever. And more of a fighter than he has EVER been. Because now, that fighter isn’t held back by an unnecessary mission that only distracted him from reaching his potential. That fighter isn’t being held back by a partner who got mad at him for… fighting. Cause see, you talk so much about how you want everyone to value pure wrestling over everything else… but weren’t you the one who started throwing hissy fits at me for wanting to fight with a concussion? Weren’t you the one who said that that was apparently me ‘keeping secrets’? If we were a unit based around fighting, why would I need your permission to get a waiver signed that let me fight? That shouldn’t even be a problem. Yet you made it one. You didn’t like how I handled it, and why is that? Because it stopped you from sticking it to Captain Charisma? I thought pure wrestling should be valued above all else? If signing a waiver with Captain Charisma meant that I could fight, of course I would do that! Back then, I chose to fight over my mission, and you berated me for it, even though fighting should’ve always been our number one priority, and THAT is why I say this mission held me back. It distracted me from the main reason I should’ve been here, which is to fight. But right there is where the divide between us stems from. Because we’re actually still quite alike. We both still aren’t as obsessive over championship as others, and we both still have an innate love for combat. But the difference between us is that when we had to choose which one we prioritized, we picked different options. Because New Eden consisted of two main values. One was to rid the company of greed, and the other was to fight to the best of our abilities. And as we separated, you chose to pursue the savior route while I chose to be the fighter that I always have been. Whether you picked the morally wrong choice, or whether I did, who fucking knows. Maybe neither of us are wrong, but I don’t care enough to find out. Because unlike you, I don’t care about how other people choose to live their lives anymore. Until that chosen lifestyle is a danger to my own and the ones near me. And THAT is why I’m here. I told you, I’m not here to punish you for being the greedy man you always have been, I’m here to punish you for wronging me. I’m here due to what you did to Minerva. I’m here because you shattered my whole world that night 7 months ago, and for that you deserve everything that’s coming to you. Because I’m done fighting others over their life choices, I’d rather fight just because simply put; I want nothing more than to kick your fucking ass.

So no. I don’t want to hear your opinion on how I should deal with Minerva’s bloodlust. Hell, I have much of that same bloodlust too, the only thing I’m scared of is that Minerva’s might change her for the worse. If that possibility of change is the ‘problem’ you’re referring to, I don’t wanna hear your dumbass suggestion of ‘fixing it the way you’ve been trying to fix it’ because your way doesn’t fucking work. Admittedly, it was once my way as well, hell like you said yourself, I gave you the idea, but honestly that’s the biggest mistake I ever made because that idea was WRONG. The method of attacking people to have your way, it was morally AND practically wrong. That’s why you suggesting it to me of all people, whose already tried it so many times, is just fucking stupid. Don’t you get it Drake? This ‘fix’ you speak of, it doesn’t fucking work. You’ve tried for over a year now, and where has it gotten you? How has attacking people like you imply I should attack Minerva, how has that ever really changed the landscape of EAW? It hasn’t. All it’s done is make the only people who agreed with your message, disagree. We used to be on your side, until you attacked us, thereby making us NOT on your side anymore. It’s that simple. That’s what I mean when I say you regressed your own goal. It’s not that hard to comprehend. In the game of who-believes-in-eradicating-greed, there were 3 people on your team, while the rest of the EAW was all against you. And then, instead of getting more people on your side, your own actions made that aforementioned team of 3 get a -2 players. THAT is the opposite of progress, meaning, REGRESSION! Do I really have to spell it out for you? Sure you used the beliefs I gave you, but you tried to use those beliefs against ME. You tried to use the method I gave you against the person that was the very closest to me, and that made me realize that my method was wrong. It made me come to terms with the biggest mistake that I mentioned earlier. Letting you take my beliefs and radicalize it. That was my biggest mistake. And now, even when the creator of those beliefs himself says that those beliefs were wrong, you for some reason still remain adamant that they are not. It doesn’t make sense. I created those beliefs that you still abide by, and I’M the one telling you that it’s not the right way to do things, yet, here you are! Still doing it! You don’t see how nonsensical that sounds?

You know Drake, I know I call you delusional a lot but sometimes I really do think you’re missing a few screws. Now from everything I said how did you gather that I was taking the management’s side? You went on and on about it, but in reality I only had about one or two lines about how management and everyone else agrees that you were in the wrong. That isn’t me taking their side, it’s simply them happening to be on the same side as me. See, with New Eden we were so full of ourselves that we actually managed to somehow believe that the whole world was wrong and we were the only people right. We saw people disagreeing with us and thought “sure we’re only 3 people and there's about a million others who disagree with us, but we’re not wrong, THEY’RE wrong!”. Somehow, the opinions of millions meant less than the opinions of ourselves all because we were… us? I mean, is that not the definition of ignorance? No matter how many people tell you you’re wrong, you still think that they are just haters hating for the sake of hating? Come on Drake, you know better than that. So no, I’m not taking anyone’s side but my own, but if the vast majority of people end up agreeing with me while you only have yourself, of course I’m gonna point it out! Does that mean I’m falling in line or that I all of a sudden like all the men in suits? Fuck no. I really couldn’t give two shits, but what I do know, is that you were in the wrong for what you did at Road to Redemption, and no amount of victim blaming will ever justify that. You keep trying to make people somehow look at what you did that night as the right decision, but it just hasn’t worked. Trying to pass Minerva off as this ultimate evil is just getting old at this point, especially when you try to do it in order to convince me that she will pick the World Title over me. In what world would that ever be necessary? She’s already gotten into this World Championship match without needing to betray me, why would she ever need to all of a sudden throw me aside in order to be champion? She can have both things if she wants, but of course, I won’t make it that easy for her. I’m not here to ‘give up’ and submit to Minerva, in fact, I plan to win this match and she understands that. She has already accepted the fact that this might not go her way and made it clear in her first video of the week that even if I did happen to win, we’d both go back to the way our lives were without any discontent towards each other. See Drake, what you’re trying to create between Minerva and I is called ‘projection’. You don’t know how to stay loyal to someone and manage healthy relationships, so you project that trait onto us, believing that we’re doomed to fail as well, but that’s not the case. Minerva and I both understand that people can have different motivations and still be close, which I understand is an unfathomable concept to someone like you, but again, we aren’t you. So don’t try to act like you know Siobhan better than the man who eats, sleeps and travels with her.

I know her better than anyone, and anybody who wishes to create a rift between that, I will not tolerate.

But soon, that rift creates itself. As a result of many strings entangling to sprout a conflict that was always inevitable yet necessary, here I stand against you, Siobhan. Or as you’d prefer, Minerva. You know, the things you’ve said, they’ve left me many thoughts to ponder upon, and after a bit of doing just that, I’ve come to the conclusion that neither of us are inherently wrong. For me to want what’s best for you, for me to take the responsibility of inflicting justice upon Drake King away from you… that wish, I still stand by. Because if wanting what I believe is best for you makes you hate me, then so be it. I will take that consequence every day. But, in the same regard, you’re not wrong when you remind me of the true task at hand. Both of us, we are fighters first and foremost and I plan to make good on that by giving you the best performance possible, so yes, if Minerva is what you want to be, Minerva is what I will treat you like. And if it is Myles who you want to face, then it will be Myles who stops you from becoming EAW World Champion. It will be Myles who shatters your expectation of being the one to end Drake King. It will be Myles who defeats you in the center of that ring, and I’m not saying that out of hatred. I’m not saying it out of a wish that you don’t achieve your ambitions, because from the bottom of my heart, I do want you to achieve all your goals, but that doesn’t mean I can betray my own values. Because before I was a lover, before I was an advocate for Eden, before I was even the Marco you know of today, I was a fighter. And I still am just that, before I am anything else. To the last fibre of my being, I am Myles the fighter. And to my dying breath, I will fight. Because it’s like you said yourself, I am the Warlord. But are you sure you know what that means? Are you sure you truly understand the implications of what you are really asking for? Because you know Marco very well, but are you sure you know exactly who Myles is?

If you’re asking for Myles, you’re not asking for just a wrestler. You’re asking for a guy who physically cannot stop until he does whatever it takes to get the victory. You’re asking for a guy who's made a career out of breaking people. Just ask Brian Daniels, the proclaimed ‘legend’ who came back with the privileged notion that he would be able to slither his way right back to the very top with ease, but who was the one who killed all his dreams? Myles. Hell if you wanna go further back, how about Jesse Barlow, who unfortunately has popped up in this week’s conversation already for other reasons? After what happened to him he never showed his face again. In a similar notion, what about even The Ring Master, remember him? Probably not, and that’s because of me. That man was the breakout star of the Grand Rampage 2020, but all that momentum turned to dust the second he collided with me. See Minerva, just like Brian and Jesse, you are trying to follow your dreams of becoming champion, but at my expense. And just like The Ring Master, you have all the momentum you need for this to be the perfect opportunity. Finally reclaiming your spot as a World Champion at Pain for Pride of all events. What a moment! …But it’s not that easy. Because just like Brian, just like Jesse, just like Ring Master, you will have your dreams shattered and your body battered because THAT is the Myles that you are asking for. And in a way, Minerva is very similar, but that’s exactly why I feel I need to remind you of who I am. Because Myles and Minerva are two petals of the same flower. And you know how dangerous Minerva can be, so in the same way you should understand that the Myles you want to face in that ring is no different. So after all this… are you sure you still want that Myles? Knowing you, the answer will be a resounding yes, and honestly I’d want it no other way. But still, I felt as if this warning was necessary, because the last thing I want from you is resentment. And when your dream of becoming champion is broken by my hands, that might be what you feel. So I just thought that maybe warning you properly ahead of time would let us avoid that predicament, because I need you to understand that whatever happens at Pain for Pride, it will be of your volition.

So do not blame me when you lose your opportunity at whatever you desire this upcoming weekend, whether that be the World Championship… or Drake King’s head. Because yes, we’re going to have to agree to disagree on who gets the kill because there is no way I am budging on this. There is no way I am letting someone else finish the job that I started, because you may have zero wins over him, you may have had your personal life interfered with by him, you may even feel that you need to be the one to end him more than me… but still, I have a duty to accomplish. One that I failed to accomplish months ago at King of Elite when I wished to end him, only for him to continue being an annoyance in our careers. After that, I’ve realized just how far one really has to go in order to make sure that Drake King doesn’t ever stand back up again… and if somebody has to go to those lengths, I would rather it be me. I would take that sacrifice rather than you having to do such things. And I’m not saying that just as a lover, I’m saying it as a human being. I don’t want anybody else to have to lose themselves because of my mistakes. Whether those mistakes be not finishing Drake off at King of Elite, or ever trusting him to begin with. These are mistakes I’ve made, and I should be the one to correct them. Because as a human being, that is what I owe the world. I made Drake adopt this mindset that he needs to hurt people in order to establish his just society, and because of that, I should be the one to stop Drake from ever hurting anybody else again. Whether that ‘anybody else’ be you, Minerva, or anybody else. That weight is on MY shoulders, so I should be the one to lift it away. But don’t think I will forget what he has done to you in the process. This weight, it’s composed of everyone he has ever hurt, and carrying the hearts of all those people on my back, I will drag him straight to hell. And if I have to go with him for that to happen, then so be it. If I have to reach lengths that are too far even for me, then so be it. All my patience has run out. I don’t care for what happens to me after Pain for Pride, but I do care about what happens to you, Minerva. That is why I am prepared to be the one that takes all this weight. It’s why I’m prepared to be the one that ends the story of Drake King, because I made a promise to myself 5 months ago, and although I originally got the job half done, I’m back to fulfill that promise fully.

I’m back to ensure that there is death to D.K. and until that, I will not rest.​
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