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(Adam appears on screen, once again showing very little in the way of emotion. If there was something this new ‘attitude; had brought, it was an even more laser-focus on what was, and wasn’t relevant to him, and a knowledge of what was, or indeed wasn’t important. Others may not have realized it, but he was also happier. Both personally and professionally, his life was now back on an even keel, he and Bethany united in a way he hadn’t experienced before the scenario that dominated the last six months of last season. They were stronger now than they had ever been, and ready to not just take on the world, but dominate it. And it is with that confidence that he starts to speak.)
“Do you know something? There are people in this company who I literally cannot bear listening to. Don’t get me wrong, I do, because I have to. I must listen so I can debunk all their opinions, and I’ll come onto that in a moment. But, at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are also individuals that I love to listen to, people that I know I can learn from. And before you say it, and to immediately rid myself of the allegation of bias, those people aren’t always people I respect. I can hate a Kassidy Heart for instance, but I’ll always listen. Impact is another, who helped put me on the right path, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind about him. He’s still a sanctimonious prick. People ranting, individuals losing their temper… it doesn’t always grate on me. But the one person I love listening to more than any other… not surprisingly is my good lady. Dr. Bethany Blue. Honestly, I could listen to her over and over on a loop, because although many will claim that all she does is complain, she doesn’t just state it, she gives you all the facts you need to glean an honest conclusion. Just because you don’t reach that conclusion, does not mean she is in the wrong. It’s the exact opposite in fact. THEIR bias mean that they pass her off as a whining bitch who is only complaining because she hasn’t gotten what she wants, but I ask them this. Why is it, that she hasn’t held Championship Gold for over eighteen months, and by comparison, others that she had beaten easily are given opportunities like candy? The simple answer is Charisma cannot and will not give opportunities to her, because she would dominate the women’s division once again, or even become the first female EAW World Champion. He doesn’t want that, and would prefer Lord Lucan, that’s Jake Smith by the way, to tarnish the reputation of a belt that others have done so much to put it pride of place. Charlie Marr and Jake Smith have a LOT to answer for, it’s not surprise that the two of them are cut from the same cloth, cowardly bitches that don’t even deserve a place on the roster, never mind a spot at the top table.
But you don’t care Adam, you don’t care about the title’s reputation, right?
Nah, that’s bullshit, I never said that so pull your heads in. I don’t care about Charisma’s reputation, and I sure as hell don’t care about Voltage in the way I did Showdown… mistakenly. But it stands to reason, Jake Smith being the World Champion drags down Voltages reputation, and thus it drags down mine. Dynasty and Showdown, they are laughing at our program, watching Smith get away with his antics, and thus they are laughing at Beth and Me. Sure, Voltage needs a champion that will heighten the brand, and sure, Voltage needs to stop the rot, and stop being condemned like we were at Territorial Invasion, but that’s only collateral to me and Beth. We want that belt to be around one of our waists, quite simply because that is exactly where it should be. I know an argument can be made for every single one of the combatants in the Extreme Elimination Chamber. You saw it on Voltage, everyone stating their case, and obviously there are those that would agree with them. But there is no argument as to why Beth and I aren’t… none whatsoever. That is the problem here people, and it’s a problem that Beth eloquently narrated. You don’t like the truth, then that’s on you… no one else. If you pinned your ears back and listened, instead of your hatred and jealousy for her hampering your opinion, then you would understand that everything she is saying, it affects some of you too. Individuals that should be in that Chamber just as much as we should be. Sure, call her what you wish, but believe me, it has very little bearing on her, or indeed us. We’ll still carry on beating the best this roster can offer. We’ll still state the truth, whether you dumb fucks listen to us or not. But those that deserve our respect, or indeed their flowers, rest assured they will get them too. Truth is, there is no couple on this roster as unbiased as us, the fact you can’t see the wood for the trees isn’t our problem. YOUR problem however is that what Beth’s says will be YOUR undoing. That being Beth and I ARE unstoppable. We WILL achieve our goals, and we WILL prove that we were right all along. We deserve Championship gold, and you can rest assured that we will get it. Sooner rather than later.
But I’ve gone off on a tangent, haven’t I?
See, if you didn’t want to listen to Beth, even though she has the most beautiful voice in this company, there would only be one word that you would need to focus on, and that is FAVORITISM, because that is exactly what is in play here. Eden Sinclair can promise whatever the hell she likes, but she knows just like everyone else that we are being ‘pacified’ by this match, because we don’t fit the narrative that Captain Charisma is trying to push. You know, the narrative where those that are not particularly worthy get the chances, whether they have dominated the scope of this company or not. Like Beth says, how is that fair? Explain it to me. In any other company in this industry, all around the world, an immediate rematch would have been called after Wicked Games, and yet what do I get. An afterthought Tag Team Match that they try to call a Showcase. When the only reason it’s a showcase is because Beth and I are in it. And it’s not just me either… look at what Charlie Marr got away with. Look at the ending to Michael Machina’s match. And yet Beth is the one in the wrong? How? How is it right, explain it to me? No, don’t bother… because I know those explanations will be just full of shit. I won’t speak for Beth, not on this, but why is it wrong for me to be ignored, and call Charisma out on his bullshit. How is it wrong for me to claim bias, when there are people in that Chamber that don’t deserve it over me? It’s wrong, because it’s me saying it. It’s wrong, because since I changed my ‘attitude’, I’m an asshole apparently, and doesn’t deserve to be treated like everyone else. What did I do that was so wrong huh? Drugged Candice Blair to prove a point? Fuck, that nothing compared with the bullshit that’s been going on in the Extreme Elimination Chamber build… it’s fucked up, truly it is. But by the same token, with every victory, every moment, it just serves to make this management look more incompetent. I’ve never lied to any of you… not once, can Captain Charisma say the same? Well, he said he was going to build Voltage into the most dominant brand, and instead he’s dragged us further into the gutter. A gutter where only two individuals are keeping their heads above the drain water. Dr. Bethany Blue, and Adam Lucas.
But we are done with treading water.
Charisma knows, or at least he should, we are not going to be denied forever. He showed his hand with his reaction after Jake screwed me at Wicked Games, but Beth and I are yet to reveal ours. That time is however coming, like the Doomsday Clock, we are getting so very close to midnight. And nothing, nor no-one is going to stand in our way. There are some who believe that they may be capable. There are others that will no doubt scoff at the mere notion that we are capable of such a thing. But those individuals are no closer to understanding than they were when I injected the lesser Ava and paralyzed her in front of the world. THEY will never understand. Or at least they won’t… until it is too late. Try us. We'll take you to hell”
(There is a tone in his voice that we haven’t been treated to before. That very last statement coming across as almost ominous, very much prophetic. Anyone that didn’t get that Adam was more dangerous than ever would do well to look into his eyes right now and see the passion that burned within. A passion to make good on every one of their promises. A passion that would carry them both to the very top of this industry and beyond, leaving charred earth in their wake.)
“And that is why, THIS match bears great relevance, because the eyes that matter will be transfixed on it, as we take the ‘Golden Goose’ and his ‘Remora’, that’s the fish that hangs onto sharks for grim death, removing parasites. Irony right there Ladies and Gentlemen seeing as she is a parasite herself. As we take them both and reveal their true worth to the entire world. That’s the thing with ‘Gold’ after all, of course it’s valuable, especially to someone like Charisma. But Beth and I are more like Rhodium, more valuable due to his scarcity, and how limited a resource it is. I was the Golden Goose after all… the next big thing. I was pushed to the stratosphere, just like our opponents this week. And guess what, I suffocated… choked by those that refused to give up their spot. That is what this week is all about, putting two individuals back in their box. And making them realize, they ain’t done fuck all yet to warrant being pushed to the moon. This world isn’t easy, and for you Bea, and you too Michael, things are about to get a whole lot more complicated. Because listening to you both, it’s become very clear. You both believe you have arrived at your destination… when the truth is you are still sat in departures.”
(Adam pauses and takes a deep breath to compose his thoughts. He then continues, his voice changing from an ominous tone to one that is very matter of fact.)
“And so, talking about being that I can’t stand listening to… told you there was a point, I’ll start with the crazy psycho stalker that has been taken under Michael’s wing. Because my God Bea, you don’t half make my fucking ears bleed with your incessant shrill. No word of a lie, while I was listening to your ‘promo’ my dog was going absolute mental, and there was a pack of them outside, howling at a decibel level that cannot be healthy. How’s about you do me one favor and bring that down just a notch to keep the local canine population happy. Can you do that for me? Of course you can’t, we all know you have one setting.
So, I won’t hold my breath on that score. And do you know something love, perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad. Perhaps I would be able to navigate it if you were at the very least saying something that had a modicum of sense. But you don’t deal in ‘sense’ do you Bea. You prefer to say the very first thing that comes to mind without any thought processes whatsoever. It’s no wonder Mikey keeps you around like a fucking trophy wife… he knows that by comparison he is coming across like wrestling’s version of Steven fucking Hawking. No, that’s not fair… you’re not completely stupid or you wouldn’t have latched onto managements favorite ‘toy of the moment’, so there must be the slightest hint of grey matter up there, or you wouldn’t have had the mentality to achieve even that. But when I hear you trying to debate the whys and wherefores of why you superior to my wife… is it in anyway surprising that you come across like a crazy ass wannabe mean girl, when the actuality is you want us all to take you as seriously as the top female talent this roster has to offer. There is no question, my wife sits at the top of the pile with the many other talented women in Elite Answers Wrestling. There is also no question that you reside way, WAY down that particular totem pole. But I’ll give you credit, the situation would be even more dire if it wasn’t for your association to Michael Machina, so you can have your flowers for that. But those are the only ones you’ll be getting from me because the rest of your diatribe was nothing more than undiluted nonsense. Sewage from the empty space that is Bea Valentine’s head. Truth is, there was one thing that I did find, the slightest bit interesting, and that was these allegations of me, and indeed Beth being boring, generic is the word you used I believe. Come on Bea, is that really what you are going to come at me with again, and based almost everything you had to say on that logic? Ok, let’s say for a moment that I am exactly what you say. Let’s agree that I am monotone, I say nothing interesting, the cookie cutter Elitist.
Last I heard we were wrestlers, and it’s our wrestling ability that makes us champions and what we can do when we step through those strands. Hence why you are better outside of the ring than you are inside it. Yes, your 2-0 since your ‘retirement’. Yes, you are building some momentum that you haven’t had before. But the reality is, your ‘achievements’ are the only reason when I mentioned I have been World Champion in the same breath as your name. Simply put, by comparison, you have done fuck all. And even if it is a ‘generic’ statement to make, that doesn’t make it any less true, does it? If you don’t care if I’ve been a World Champion or not, that is no skin off my nose. If Beth being Women’s Champion doesn’t resonate, I can assure you she doesn’t care. If you had an ounce of intelligence Bea, you would realize that there are levels to this shit, and you are not on hours. Michael knows this, so why don’t you? Now, if you hadn’t got all antsy, and not just focused on the ‘easy’ wins, then you would have recognized quite early that the actuality is, I gave you more than enough props in my last offering, and some would say I was downright complimentary towards you. Yes, OK… these ‘victories’ may have come across as dubious, but no record book in the world is going to remember that. Being the person you are, then of course you were going to make a massive deal about it, and you have every right to far. It did send shockwaves around the locker room, no question about it. But it doesn’t mean you have arrived Bea, and you have an awful way to go before you get there. You’re trying to run before you can walk, and ultimately soon you will be tripping yourself up in the worst way. I sense it in Michael to be honest, and that’s why I predicted that one day his frustrations will get the better of him. Your mouth is going to get you into trouble, there is no doubt about that. The problem is, it’s only your mouth that makes you relevant, and by that I don’t mean all the guys in the back who’s dick you’ve sucked. No, I mean it’s the bullshit you say, that makes people listen. Wondering what piss poor excuse for a rhetoric you are going to come up with next. Thing is Bea, you are only saying the same things and countless others like you, in this company alone. Thousands of others exist in the industry. Your attitude can be seen every single week on EAW programming, almost carbon copies of the person you are. I’m going to break it to you now Bea, you’re no different to anyone else. You’re not original. There is not a single trait that separates you from the masses. Hold on, what does that make you? Generic. Isn’t that what you called me? Damn straight it is. THAT is why people make these comparisons Bea… because you are about as unoriginal as they come, and speaking at high decibels doesn’t change that.
But it doesn’t matter.
What matters is how good a wrestler you are, and it will be that which defines whether you or Michael becomes a World Champion or not, and that is why you are making such a big deal about beating Methuselah, because it papers over the cracks of your true ability. Let’s face it, he’s a dick but he’s a legendary figure. If he loses, then it’s always kind of a big deal. But truth is, the dude loses just as much as he wins these days, and if it wasn’t for his name, you wouldn’t be shouting from the rooftops. Candice beat him… yes, that Candice, does that warrant her place next to you? No. But do you want to hear that? No, of course, you don’t because it spoils your narrative. And when you try to dispute the fact, you sound like nothing more than a fucking child who hasn’t gotten her way. Your ego has inflated… but to come back with the something a five-year-old would use, it’s pathetic.
I’m not ‘waving my dick’ in your face sweetheart… I’m smacking you around the face with it to try and knock some sense into you.”tr
(Adam rolls his eyes, cursing himself for descending to her level.)
“So, before I move onto someone with at least half a brain Bea, let me tell you one final thing. This ride you are on, there is an inevitability that it will all come to an end. The fact is, your ‘retirement’ does not disguise the ‘average’ season that you have had to this point. True is, your whole rhetoric, it’s sounds like you are speaking about yourself, but the sad fact is that you won’t change, you can’t change, because you don’t have the capability. Coming into this week, I believed what you had potential. Yeah, it was coming off the back of Machina’s success, but it was potential. Now, all I see someone who’s only ammunition is a few witty, but childish comments, that belong in the playground and not the wrestling ring. And in some instances, that is going to be enough for you to pick up a few victories. But you a World Champion… that’s just pie in the sky. And not because you’re a cunt, or a psycho, or just a generally fucked up person. No, the reality is a lot simpler than that. Without Michael, you’re just a brain dead whore, with a modicum of talent, that deserves a place no higher than the mid-card. Make the most of the main-event paycheck, because by the way… you’re welcome. No one is coming to watch you Bea, and I’m sorry that’s the truth. You can call us all the names under the sun, truly. Knock yourself out. But even you won’t be able to ignore the noise and reaction we generate when we enter the arena. If that’s generic Bea, so be it because it’s working. Beth and I top of the tree again, it’s just a matter of time, and Charisma knows it as well. But Michael said it best, winning will be a statement. And we will make that statement, before shoving every single one of those insults back down your throat. You keep dissing, Beth and I will keep wrestling… doing what we do better than ANYONE. Dr. Bethany Blue and Adam Lucas are better than YOU. And we’ll be putting THAT on a tee-shirt.”
(Adam takes a deep breath, composing him for the final part of his promo. Michael Machina was someone who as least deserved Adam’s time, and a more measured approach. Calm, he continues.)
“Michael throughout our interactions, I must concede that you do seem to at least be able to see the wood for the trees, and when you do speak to me, I sense an element of respect for everything that I have done around here than I don’t hear when I deal with the hanger on. Honestly, I have no clue what you see in her, or how you put up with her logic, but that is exactly what people were saying to me before Pain for Pride, so I won’t dwell on that too much. But I saw it on your face as she was speaking Michael, you know full well that she’s nothing more than a toddler, spouting her repetitive bullshit as if it has any effect, and yet you entertain it. Like I said, is it like the average looking girl who has a best friend who’s ugly as fuck… just so she looks more than average? Michael, I said this to you a couple of months ago, and I’ll say it again. Our paths… the first two years of my career, they are very similar. Just missing out on the big prizes by a hair’s breadth, being cheating out of opportunities, I know EXACTLY how you feeling? So, let’s why I can say right now, that I don’t regret those moments, because without them I wouldn’t be the Elitist I am today. Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you this, so that YOU can understand a little something. A test, to see if you do indeed have the ability of listening. Because from what I’ve just heard from you… it doesn’t seem like a single word has sunk in.
And that is my biggest problem with you, and where we do differ.
First, I know you’re not lying, I know the words that you speak are YOUR truth. I hear in your tone, you mean every single word, and I’ll concede that I respect that. What I was trying to say is, I DO understand you and how much it means, because I’ve been there in the recent past.
But no matter what you have done, or who you have beaten, you are NOT the powerhouse you think you are.
You’re not as good as you think you are.
I’ll agree wholeheartedly, Jake Smith is a fucking punk who I hope gets his neck broken in that Chamber. Heck, I’ll even endorse your victory over many that are in there. But the reality is, you’ve been here two years, and still, you are making the same mistake when you ‘listen’ to someone of our stature. You only hear what you want to hear, and in doing so, you miss the most vital of information. Ninety-nine percent of the time, that’s not going to matter. Ninety-nine percent of the time, your ability will get you out of situations, because the ability you do have cannot be denied. But when, even when I explain clearly, you will continue with this narrative that I’m saying I deserve my spot in the Chamber more than you, even when I said that wasn’t what I was there to dispute any of that… that raises questions. NO Michael, I said I SHOULD be in the Chamber… who is in there really doesn’t matter to me. And if you can’t listen to that, it stands to reason that you aren’t going to listen to me when I say that I had to learn the traits you are clearly still missing, and yes, it took me two years to learn them. Just like I told Bea, when it comes to that, you are no different to any other Elitist trying to make a statement. You may not care either way if you’re the golden goose for Management to pin their hopes on, but again, more than anyone, I can understand the effect that can have on this ‘future’ you claim is inevitable. The last thing I’ll say on that is perhaps the most conclusive. Yes, Michael Machina may one day be World Champion and rule the roost. Yes, EAW will undoubtably be better for it, but then again, we’ll be better with Coco the Clown with the belt that the fucktard currently in possession. And yes, there is always the chance that you are the ‘once in a generation’ talent you say you are. But the sad reality is, even those that make it to Elite Answers Wrestling, not withstanding the thousands of competitors that never do. Even those examples, there are far more that fall by the wayside. Do you know what I can say CONCLUSIVELY Michael? You won’t be achieving these goals with that fucking albatross around your neck. So no, I won’t deny that one day you may prove your worth, and maybe, just maybe, that will be the same day that you prove that you have surpassed Adam Lucas, but that day isn’t now. I know you think you are the biggest, baddest dog on the planet, but the fact is you are a way away, and you can’t bring yourself to accept it. The World Championship will be the symbol. Can you win the Extreme Elimination Chamber? Yes Michael, you can. But it’s just as likely that coming out of Road to Redemption, you will be known as the big dog with no bite. Because eventually you have to make good on your narrative. You have you prove you are every bit as good as you are. Or else, you become Ronan Malosi, Charlie Marr or even Jake Smith.
Nothing without a belt.
I don’t know if this is the fate that will befall you, I don’t. I don’t know what the future holds for you, but what I do know is that if it all comes down to an element of trust, then you are well and truly fucked. You admitted yourself, trusting Methuselah was a mistake, a mistake that he is going to pay for, but here you are, trusting another Elitist, who shows herself to be a psycho whenever she speaks. I don’t get your relationship, nor will I ever. If I’m honest, if I wasn’t using it to prove a point, I wouldn’t even care. What I do get is my relationship, my unity with my wife. What I do know is that Beth and I will prove the power of our marriage at the ill-conceived match at Road to Redemption, because when it comes to trust, there are no teams in this entire company that trust as implicitly as we do. Would you die for Bea Michael? No, of course you wouldn’t, and please don’t try and tell me otherwise. I learned the hard way, that there is NO ONE in this business you can trust… because they won’t the exact same things you do. But when you are talking about unity, being one entity when required, there is NO comparison to Beth and I, not even the current Unified World Tag Team Champions. I would gladly die for her, and I’d do it without question. The thing is, neither would ever allow that to happen. THAT is the difference between us, and the defining factor in how Voltage is going to go. Dude, Adam Lucas will NEVER be a victim. You can make all the threats you like, but you’ll never have what it takes. The battle-hardened machine you example? You’re fucking looking at him. The ‘mold’ you speak of, I broke it, and far from being generic, I am everything that makes the modern-day Elitist. You and Bea are the lucky ones. You get to see first-hand the absolute, definitive, translation of ‘team’. In everything that we do. We won’t be denied. Not by you. Not by Charisma and not by the EAW. Watch and learn Michael… because this weekends message is all for you.”
(Beth walks onto screen, a wave to the camera just causing Adam to hesitate, there hands joining as for a moment they look at each other. After a while, Adam turns back to the camera, as Beth looks on.)
“We don’t care what you call yourselves, or what moniker you choose. It doesn’t matter to us if you believe that you are going to define history or break records. It most certainly doesn’t concern us if one of you was able to defeat a legend yes, but a legend who has seen better days. The ONLY thing we care about is beating you, winning at Road to Redemption, and then walking into Eden Sinclair’s office before making her sign the contracts, making good on her promises to give us the opportunities that we have earned, TENFOLD. Righting, the number of times this company, this brand has wronged us with their bullshit. Those three things’ guys, they ARE going to happen, because we are going to make sure of it. Because rest assured, I’m not taking the embarrassment of being pinned by either of you two again, even if Solomon Stane rams that crucifix into my skull this time. And one final thing, you’ve banged on about that flawed’ last victory. You’ve regaled in it in fact, and alright Michael, I won’t make any excuses. However it happened, it was your hand held high in victory. But there is one thing different this time, the reason for my confidence. One defining factor. The absolute reason why this time, we will put you down and leave you scrambling for momentum ahead of the biggest nights of your lives.”
(His eyes narrow.)
"That difference…”
(Adam smirks, kissing his wife on the cheek.)
“Always know the difference between what you’re getting… and what you deserve. Beth and I deserve the world... and we are going to take it.”
(Adam salutes the camera, Beth blowing a kiss, as the scene slowly fades.)
“Do you know something? There are people in this company who I literally cannot bear listening to. Don’t get me wrong, I do, because I have to. I must listen so I can debunk all their opinions, and I’ll come onto that in a moment. But, at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are also individuals that I love to listen to, people that I know I can learn from. And before you say it, and to immediately rid myself of the allegation of bias, those people aren’t always people I respect. I can hate a Kassidy Heart for instance, but I’ll always listen. Impact is another, who helped put me on the right path, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind about him. He’s still a sanctimonious prick. People ranting, individuals losing their temper… it doesn’t always grate on me. But the one person I love listening to more than any other… not surprisingly is my good lady. Dr. Bethany Blue. Honestly, I could listen to her over and over on a loop, because although many will claim that all she does is complain, she doesn’t just state it, she gives you all the facts you need to glean an honest conclusion. Just because you don’t reach that conclusion, does not mean she is in the wrong. It’s the exact opposite in fact. THEIR bias mean that they pass her off as a whining bitch who is only complaining because she hasn’t gotten what she wants, but I ask them this. Why is it, that she hasn’t held Championship Gold for over eighteen months, and by comparison, others that she had beaten easily are given opportunities like candy? The simple answer is Charisma cannot and will not give opportunities to her, because she would dominate the women’s division once again, or even become the first female EAW World Champion. He doesn’t want that, and would prefer Lord Lucan, that’s Jake Smith by the way, to tarnish the reputation of a belt that others have done so much to put it pride of place. Charlie Marr and Jake Smith have a LOT to answer for, it’s not surprise that the two of them are cut from the same cloth, cowardly bitches that don’t even deserve a place on the roster, never mind a spot at the top table.
But you don’t care Adam, you don’t care about the title’s reputation, right?
Nah, that’s bullshit, I never said that so pull your heads in. I don’t care about Charisma’s reputation, and I sure as hell don’t care about Voltage in the way I did Showdown… mistakenly. But it stands to reason, Jake Smith being the World Champion drags down Voltages reputation, and thus it drags down mine. Dynasty and Showdown, they are laughing at our program, watching Smith get away with his antics, and thus they are laughing at Beth and Me. Sure, Voltage needs a champion that will heighten the brand, and sure, Voltage needs to stop the rot, and stop being condemned like we were at Territorial Invasion, but that’s only collateral to me and Beth. We want that belt to be around one of our waists, quite simply because that is exactly where it should be. I know an argument can be made for every single one of the combatants in the Extreme Elimination Chamber. You saw it on Voltage, everyone stating their case, and obviously there are those that would agree with them. But there is no argument as to why Beth and I aren’t… none whatsoever. That is the problem here people, and it’s a problem that Beth eloquently narrated. You don’t like the truth, then that’s on you… no one else. If you pinned your ears back and listened, instead of your hatred and jealousy for her hampering your opinion, then you would understand that everything she is saying, it affects some of you too. Individuals that should be in that Chamber just as much as we should be. Sure, call her what you wish, but believe me, it has very little bearing on her, or indeed us. We’ll still carry on beating the best this roster can offer. We’ll still state the truth, whether you dumb fucks listen to us or not. But those that deserve our respect, or indeed their flowers, rest assured they will get them too. Truth is, there is no couple on this roster as unbiased as us, the fact you can’t see the wood for the trees isn’t our problem. YOUR problem however is that what Beth’s says will be YOUR undoing. That being Beth and I ARE unstoppable. We WILL achieve our goals, and we WILL prove that we were right all along. We deserve Championship gold, and you can rest assured that we will get it. Sooner rather than later.
But I’ve gone off on a tangent, haven’t I?
See, if you didn’t want to listen to Beth, even though she has the most beautiful voice in this company, there would only be one word that you would need to focus on, and that is FAVORITISM, because that is exactly what is in play here. Eden Sinclair can promise whatever the hell she likes, but she knows just like everyone else that we are being ‘pacified’ by this match, because we don’t fit the narrative that Captain Charisma is trying to push. You know, the narrative where those that are not particularly worthy get the chances, whether they have dominated the scope of this company or not. Like Beth says, how is that fair? Explain it to me. In any other company in this industry, all around the world, an immediate rematch would have been called after Wicked Games, and yet what do I get. An afterthought Tag Team Match that they try to call a Showcase. When the only reason it’s a showcase is because Beth and I are in it. And it’s not just me either… look at what Charlie Marr got away with. Look at the ending to Michael Machina’s match. And yet Beth is the one in the wrong? How? How is it right, explain it to me? No, don’t bother… because I know those explanations will be just full of shit. I won’t speak for Beth, not on this, but why is it wrong for me to be ignored, and call Charisma out on his bullshit. How is it wrong for me to claim bias, when there are people in that Chamber that don’t deserve it over me? It’s wrong, because it’s me saying it. It’s wrong, because since I changed my ‘attitude’, I’m an asshole apparently, and doesn’t deserve to be treated like everyone else. What did I do that was so wrong huh? Drugged Candice Blair to prove a point? Fuck, that nothing compared with the bullshit that’s been going on in the Extreme Elimination Chamber build… it’s fucked up, truly it is. But by the same token, with every victory, every moment, it just serves to make this management look more incompetent. I’ve never lied to any of you… not once, can Captain Charisma say the same? Well, he said he was going to build Voltage into the most dominant brand, and instead he’s dragged us further into the gutter. A gutter where only two individuals are keeping their heads above the drain water. Dr. Bethany Blue, and Adam Lucas.
But we are done with treading water.
Charisma knows, or at least he should, we are not going to be denied forever. He showed his hand with his reaction after Jake screwed me at Wicked Games, but Beth and I are yet to reveal ours. That time is however coming, like the Doomsday Clock, we are getting so very close to midnight. And nothing, nor no-one is going to stand in our way. There are some who believe that they may be capable. There are others that will no doubt scoff at the mere notion that we are capable of such a thing. But those individuals are no closer to understanding than they were when I injected the lesser Ava and paralyzed her in front of the world. THEY will never understand. Or at least they won’t… until it is too late. Try us. We'll take you to hell”
(There is a tone in his voice that we haven’t been treated to before. That very last statement coming across as almost ominous, very much prophetic. Anyone that didn’t get that Adam was more dangerous than ever would do well to look into his eyes right now and see the passion that burned within. A passion to make good on every one of their promises. A passion that would carry them both to the very top of this industry and beyond, leaving charred earth in their wake.)
“And that is why, THIS match bears great relevance, because the eyes that matter will be transfixed on it, as we take the ‘Golden Goose’ and his ‘Remora’, that’s the fish that hangs onto sharks for grim death, removing parasites. Irony right there Ladies and Gentlemen seeing as she is a parasite herself. As we take them both and reveal their true worth to the entire world. That’s the thing with ‘Gold’ after all, of course it’s valuable, especially to someone like Charisma. But Beth and I are more like Rhodium, more valuable due to his scarcity, and how limited a resource it is. I was the Golden Goose after all… the next big thing. I was pushed to the stratosphere, just like our opponents this week. And guess what, I suffocated… choked by those that refused to give up their spot. That is what this week is all about, putting two individuals back in their box. And making them realize, they ain’t done fuck all yet to warrant being pushed to the moon. This world isn’t easy, and for you Bea, and you too Michael, things are about to get a whole lot more complicated. Because listening to you both, it’s become very clear. You both believe you have arrived at your destination… when the truth is you are still sat in departures.”
(Adam pauses and takes a deep breath to compose his thoughts. He then continues, his voice changing from an ominous tone to one that is very matter of fact.)
“And so, talking about being that I can’t stand listening to… told you there was a point, I’ll start with the crazy psycho stalker that has been taken under Michael’s wing. Because my God Bea, you don’t half make my fucking ears bleed with your incessant shrill. No word of a lie, while I was listening to your ‘promo’ my dog was going absolute mental, and there was a pack of them outside, howling at a decibel level that cannot be healthy. How’s about you do me one favor and bring that down just a notch to keep the local canine population happy. Can you do that for me? Of course you can’t, we all know you have one setting.
So, I won’t hold my breath on that score. And do you know something love, perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad. Perhaps I would be able to navigate it if you were at the very least saying something that had a modicum of sense. But you don’t deal in ‘sense’ do you Bea. You prefer to say the very first thing that comes to mind without any thought processes whatsoever. It’s no wonder Mikey keeps you around like a fucking trophy wife… he knows that by comparison he is coming across like wrestling’s version of Steven fucking Hawking. No, that’s not fair… you’re not completely stupid or you wouldn’t have latched onto managements favorite ‘toy of the moment’, so there must be the slightest hint of grey matter up there, or you wouldn’t have had the mentality to achieve even that. But when I hear you trying to debate the whys and wherefores of why you superior to my wife… is it in anyway surprising that you come across like a crazy ass wannabe mean girl, when the actuality is you want us all to take you as seriously as the top female talent this roster has to offer. There is no question, my wife sits at the top of the pile with the many other talented women in Elite Answers Wrestling. There is also no question that you reside way, WAY down that particular totem pole. But I’ll give you credit, the situation would be even more dire if it wasn’t for your association to Michael Machina, so you can have your flowers for that. But those are the only ones you’ll be getting from me because the rest of your diatribe was nothing more than undiluted nonsense. Sewage from the empty space that is Bea Valentine’s head. Truth is, there was one thing that I did find, the slightest bit interesting, and that was these allegations of me, and indeed Beth being boring, generic is the word you used I believe. Come on Bea, is that really what you are going to come at me with again, and based almost everything you had to say on that logic? Ok, let’s say for a moment that I am exactly what you say. Let’s agree that I am monotone, I say nothing interesting, the cookie cutter Elitist.
Last I heard we were wrestlers, and it’s our wrestling ability that makes us champions and what we can do when we step through those strands. Hence why you are better outside of the ring than you are inside it. Yes, your 2-0 since your ‘retirement’. Yes, you are building some momentum that you haven’t had before. But the reality is, your ‘achievements’ are the only reason when I mentioned I have been World Champion in the same breath as your name. Simply put, by comparison, you have done fuck all. And even if it is a ‘generic’ statement to make, that doesn’t make it any less true, does it? If you don’t care if I’ve been a World Champion or not, that is no skin off my nose. If Beth being Women’s Champion doesn’t resonate, I can assure you she doesn’t care. If you had an ounce of intelligence Bea, you would realize that there are levels to this shit, and you are not on hours. Michael knows this, so why don’t you? Now, if you hadn’t got all antsy, and not just focused on the ‘easy’ wins, then you would have recognized quite early that the actuality is, I gave you more than enough props in my last offering, and some would say I was downright complimentary towards you. Yes, OK… these ‘victories’ may have come across as dubious, but no record book in the world is going to remember that. Being the person you are, then of course you were going to make a massive deal about it, and you have every right to far. It did send shockwaves around the locker room, no question about it. But it doesn’t mean you have arrived Bea, and you have an awful way to go before you get there. You’re trying to run before you can walk, and ultimately soon you will be tripping yourself up in the worst way. I sense it in Michael to be honest, and that’s why I predicted that one day his frustrations will get the better of him. Your mouth is going to get you into trouble, there is no doubt about that. The problem is, it’s only your mouth that makes you relevant, and by that I don’t mean all the guys in the back who’s dick you’ve sucked. No, I mean it’s the bullshit you say, that makes people listen. Wondering what piss poor excuse for a rhetoric you are going to come up with next. Thing is Bea, you are only saying the same things and countless others like you, in this company alone. Thousands of others exist in the industry. Your attitude can be seen every single week on EAW programming, almost carbon copies of the person you are. I’m going to break it to you now Bea, you’re no different to anyone else. You’re not original. There is not a single trait that separates you from the masses. Hold on, what does that make you? Generic. Isn’t that what you called me? Damn straight it is. THAT is why people make these comparisons Bea… because you are about as unoriginal as they come, and speaking at high decibels doesn’t change that.
But it doesn’t matter.
What matters is how good a wrestler you are, and it will be that which defines whether you or Michael becomes a World Champion or not, and that is why you are making such a big deal about beating Methuselah, because it papers over the cracks of your true ability. Let’s face it, he’s a dick but he’s a legendary figure. If he loses, then it’s always kind of a big deal. But truth is, the dude loses just as much as he wins these days, and if it wasn’t for his name, you wouldn’t be shouting from the rooftops. Candice beat him… yes, that Candice, does that warrant her place next to you? No. But do you want to hear that? No, of course, you don’t because it spoils your narrative. And when you try to dispute the fact, you sound like nothing more than a fucking child who hasn’t gotten her way. Your ego has inflated… but to come back with the something a five-year-old would use, it’s pathetic.
I’m not ‘waving my dick’ in your face sweetheart… I’m smacking you around the face with it to try and knock some sense into you.”tr
(Adam rolls his eyes, cursing himself for descending to her level.)
“So, before I move onto someone with at least half a brain Bea, let me tell you one final thing. This ride you are on, there is an inevitability that it will all come to an end. The fact is, your ‘retirement’ does not disguise the ‘average’ season that you have had to this point. True is, your whole rhetoric, it’s sounds like you are speaking about yourself, but the sad fact is that you won’t change, you can’t change, because you don’t have the capability. Coming into this week, I believed what you had potential. Yeah, it was coming off the back of Machina’s success, but it was potential. Now, all I see someone who’s only ammunition is a few witty, but childish comments, that belong in the playground and not the wrestling ring. And in some instances, that is going to be enough for you to pick up a few victories. But you a World Champion… that’s just pie in the sky. And not because you’re a cunt, or a psycho, or just a generally fucked up person. No, the reality is a lot simpler than that. Without Michael, you’re just a brain dead whore, with a modicum of talent, that deserves a place no higher than the mid-card. Make the most of the main-event paycheck, because by the way… you’re welcome. No one is coming to watch you Bea, and I’m sorry that’s the truth. You can call us all the names under the sun, truly. Knock yourself out. But even you won’t be able to ignore the noise and reaction we generate when we enter the arena. If that’s generic Bea, so be it because it’s working. Beth and I top of the tree again, it’s just a matter of time, and Charisma knows it as well. But Michael said it best, winning will be a statement. And we will make that statement, before shoving every single one of those insults back down your throat. You keep dissing, Beth and I will keep wrestling… doing what we do better than ANYONE. Dr. Bethany Blue and Adam Lucas are better than YOU. And we’ll be putting THAT on a tee-shirt.”
(Adam takes a deep breath, composing him for the final part of his promo. Michael Machina was someone who as least deserved Adam’s time, and a more measured approach. Calm, he continues.)
“Michael throughout our interactions, I must concede that you do seem to at least be able to see the wood for the trees, and when you do speak to me, I sense an element of respect for everything that I have done around here than I don’t hear when I deal with the hanger on. Honestly, I have no clue what you see in her, or how you put up with her logic, but that is exactly what people were saying to me before Pain for Pride, so I won’t dwell on that too much. But I saw it on your face as she was speaking Michael, you know full well that she’s nothing more than a toddler, spouting her repetitive bullshit as if it has any effect, and yet you entertain it. Like I said, is it like the average looking girl who has a best friend who’s ugly as fuck… just so she looks more than average? Michael, I said this to you a couple of months ago, and I’ll say it again. Our paths… the first two years of my career, they are very similar. Just missing out on the big prizes by a hair’s breadth, being cheating out of opportunities, I know EXACTLY how you feeling? So, let’s why I can say right now, that I don’t regret those moments, because without them I wouldn’t be the Elitist I am today. Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you this, so that YOU can understand a little something. A test, to see if you do indeed have the ability of listening. Because from what I’ve just heard from you… it doesn’t seem like a single word has sunk in.
And that is my biggest problem with you, and where we do differ.
First, I know you’re not lying, I know the words that you speak are YOUR truth. I hear in your tone, you mean every single word, and I’ll concede that I respect that. What I was trying to say is, I DO understand you and how much it means, because I’ve been there in the recent past.
But no matter what you have done, or who you have beaten, you are NOT the powerhouse you think you are.
You’re not as good as you think you are.
I’ll agree wholeheartedly, Jake Smith is a fucking punk who I hope gets his neck broken in that Chamber. Heck, I’ll even endorse your victory over many that are in there. But the reality is, you’ve been here two years, and still, you are making the same mistake when you ‘listen’ to someone of our stature. You only hear what you want to hear, and in doing so, you miss the most vital of information. Ninety-nine percent of the time, that’s not going to matter. Ninety-nine percent of the time, your ability will get you out of situations, because the ability you do have cannot be denied. But when, even when I explain clearly, you will continue with this narrative that I’m saying I deserve my spot in the Chamber more than you, even when I said that wasn’t what I was there to dispute any of that… that raises questions. NO Michael, I said I SHOULD be in the Chamber… who is in there really doesn’t matter to me. And if you can’t listen to that, it stands to reason that you aren’t going to listen to me when I say that I had to learn the traits you are clearly still missing, and yes, it took me two years to learn them. Just like I told Bea, when it comes to that, you are no different to any other Elitist trying to make a statement. You may not care either way if you’re the golden goose for Management to pin their hopes on, but again, more than anyone, I can understand the effect that can have on this ‘future’ you claim is inevitable. The last thing I’ll say on that is perhaps the most conclusive. Yes, Michael Machina may one day be World Champion and rule the roost. Yes, EAW will undoubtably be better for it, but then again, we’ll be better with Coco the Clown with the belt that the fucktard currently in possession. And yes, there is always the chance that you are the ‘once in a generation’ talent you say you are. But the sad reality is, even those that make it to Elite Answers Wrestling, not withstanding the thousands of competitors that never do. Even those examples, there are far more that fall by the wayside. Do you know what I can say CONCLUSIVELY Michael? You won’t be achieving these goals with that fucking albatross around your neck. So no, I won’t deny that one day you may prove your worth, and maybe, just maybe, that will be the same day that you prove that you have surpassed Adam Lucas, but that day isn’t now. I know you think you are the biggest, baddest dog on the planet, but the fact is you are a way away, and you can’t bring yourself to accept it. The World Championship will be the symbol. Can you win the Extreme Elimination Chamber? Yes Michael, you can. But it’s just as likely that coming out of Road to Redemption, you will be known as the big dog with no bite. Because eventually you have to make good on your narrative. You have you prove you are every bit as good as you are. Or else, you become Ronan Malosi, Charlie Marr or even Jake Smith.
Nothing without a belt.
I don’t know if this is the fate that will befall you, I don’t. I don’t know what the future holds for you, but what I do know is that if it all comes down to an element of trust, then you are well and truly fucked. You admitted yourself, trusting Methuselah was a mistake, a mistake that he is going to pay for, but here you are, trusting another Elitist, who shows herself to be a psycho whenever she speaks. I don’t get your relationship, nor will I ever. If I’m honest, if I wasn’t using it to prove a point, I wouldn’t even care. What I do get is my relationship, my unity with my wife. What I do know is that Beth and I will prove the power of our marriage at the ill-conceived match at Road to Redemption, because when it comes to trust, there are no teams in this entire company that trust as implicitly as we do. Would you die for Bea Michael? No, of course you wouldn’t, and please don’t try and tell me otherwise. I learned the hard way, that there is NO ONE in this business you can trust… because they won’t the exact same things you do. But when you are talking about unity, being one entity when required, there is NO comparison to Beth and I, not even the current Unified World Tag Team Champions. I would gladly die for her, and I’d do it without question. The thing is, neither would ever allow that to happen. THAT is the difference between us, and the defining factor in how Voltage is going to go. Dude, Adam Lucas will NEVER be a victim. You can make all the threats you like, but you’ll never have what it takes. The battle-hardened machine you example? You’re fucking looking at him. The ‘mold’ you speak of, I broke it, and far from being generic, I am everything that makes the modern-day Elitist. You and Bea are the lucky ones. You get to see first-hand the absolute, definitive, translation of ‘team’. In everything that we do. We won’t be denied. Not by you. Not by Charisma and not by the EAW. Watch and learn Michael… because this weekends message is all for you.”
(Beth walks onto screen, a wave to the camera just causing Adam to hesitate, there hands joining as for a moment they look at each other. After a while, Adam turns back to the camera, as Beth looks on.)
“We don’t care what you call yourselves, or what moniker you choose. It doesn’t matter to us if you believe that you are going to define history or break records. It most certainly doesn’t concern us if one of you was able to defeat a legend yes, but a legend who has seen better days. The ONLY thing we care about is beating you, winning at Road to Redemption, and then walking into Eden Sinclair’s office before making her sign the contracts, making good on her promises to give us the opportunities that we have earned, TENFOLD. Righting, the number of times this company, this brand has wronged us with their bullshit. Those three things’ guys, they ARE going to happen, because we are going to make sure of it. Because rest assured, I’m not taking the embarrassment of being pinned by either of you two again, even if Solomon Stane rams that crucifix into my skull this time. And one final thing, you’ve banged on about that flawed’ last victory. You’ve regaled in it in fact, and alright Michael, I won’t make any excuses. However it happened, it was your hand held high in victory. But there is one thing different this time, the reason for my confidence. One defining factor. The absolute reason why this time, we will put you down and leave you scrambling for momentum ahead of the biggest nights of your lives.”
(His eyes narrow.)
"That difference…”
(Adam smirks, kissing his wife on the cheek.)
“Always know the difference between what you’re getting… and what you deserve. Beth and I deserve the world... and we are going to take it.”
(Adam salutes the camera, Beth blowing a kiss, as the scene slowly fades.)