MATCH PROMO "this is why we can't have nice things." -- grand rampage xix

Ms. Extreme

The Problem Child. ✨
Jake, I almost forgot that you existed.

My bad.

I mean, don’t you think it’s kind of weird to be waiting on someone’s response? I mean, can you keep track of those talking to you? Do you keep like a cute little list? Are you just waiting on the computer waiting for a notification that lets you know that I responded to you? I mean, it’s kind of creepy, dude. I think that there’s other things to worry about rather than worry about what I’m doing. It’s amusing, though. To see you get pressed that I’m not giving you, garbage, the attention that you believe that you deserve. Rather that I find my time and energy to be useful into someone who is entering the match and doesn’t have the experience. While I’m not giving him any advice, I’m letting someone like Gary realize that there’s a ton of assholes a.k.a yourself who don’t want to see him do well in this match. I know, that you’re looking to take part of this match and feel like you’re going to sweep the competition. You think that you’re going to be throwing body after body over the top rope. In reality, it’s going to be someone. Maybe, Bronson that throws you over the top rope and makes those Pain for Pride headlining aspirations go bye bye. I mean, you should commend me that I am self-aware, so why wouldn’t I give advice on people being self-aware? All this week, it’s me being aware that I have taken a tumble from grace. It’s me being aware that there are some people that look at me as a threat in this match up. Yet, I feel like we shouldn’t be counting everyone out. Even you, Jake. I know that you’re a slimy ass bitch who will do anything to shift the match into his favor. You’ve gone pretty far in this match, haven’t won yet, so I know that you’re going to be super on edge to make sure that this year is your year. But, I think that you’re just fooling yourself into believe that you won’t manage to fuck this up for yourself. I say that as someone who has fucked up in the past. Whether in championship matches or relationships, I have fucked up. I have taken accountability for those fuck ups, but you can’t rely on me being a perfect person. I’m going to make mistakes. Just like you, Jake. I mean, you should be able to understand things from my perspective because you’ve fucked up everything that you ever touched. You’re like Midas Fucked. Instead of everything touching to gold, everything you touch, you end up fucking up.

I mean, it would be sooo simple to let your words have any diction on how I do this Sunday. I am not going to find myself easily startled - especially, when it involves the likes of you. I may have the jitters. I may have a billion thoughts racing in my mind, but I’ll get my shit together to enter Grand Rampage and beat your ass from pillar to post. I am not going to allow some weaselly little shit like yourself take this moment from me. If you want to take this away from me, you are going to need to get rid of me because ain’t no one going to do the job for you. And, ain’t no one going job to you, bitch. I mean, you a gaslighter, a liar and can’t listen to save your fucking life. A fucking triple threat. The toxic fuckboy energy is radiating all around you. I mean, I can see why you bagged and fumbled all the women that you were with. You’re such a toxic little bitch, Lexi and Bethany would lean towards a different sexuality, so that they wouldn’t have to deal with you and your twelve dollar outfits. The ability to be this confidence and this awfully arrogant and you’re not even six feet tall. I mean, where in the fuck did you get all of this confidence? I would have thought that getting what you deserved at Pain for Pride last year would have gotten you the opposite result. I thought that you would have had some self-awareness to see the error of your ways. Instead, you decide top it off and fuck up another relationship with Bronson Daniels. I mean, but you wanna top it off and be like: “he knew what he was getting himself into” like the gaslighting fuck boy that you are, Jacob. I mean, there is no way that you were going to victim blame him for shit that you did to him. But, I suppose with you, nothing surprises me anymore. Any sign of ‘redemption’ is nothing more than shit that you were trying to sell, but remember, Jake: you got to be a good seller, if you’re trying to put up some facade, nicknames to sell a couple of t-shirts. You gotta show some dedication to the cause. I mean, thankfully, you were able to show some dedication this week. Imagine trying to flex on cutting the first promo in hours and then a few hours later, you have all of these videos being posted. Maybe, people were cooking in the kitchen. Maybe, people were cooking up something good to eat unlike you who can’t seem to operate a microwave to cook some Lean Cuisine.

Read the instructions, Jake.

But darn me for wanting to help people not make the same mistakes as me. Darn me for wanting to help people at all. I mean, what kind of person am I for giving a shit about people? What kind of person am I for wanting for people to make sure that they approach this Grand Rampage and not leave any page unturned? I’ve been insecure. I’ve been vulnerable. I have left myself out here this week to be picked apart and it’s something that I’m capable of handling. I found it to be quite therapeutic in a way. But, when some 4’9 little troll by the name of Jake Smith tries to come up to me, obviously showing signs of not even bothering to watch my videos and seeing the shit that I’ve talked about, what makes him think that I’d want to conserve with him? Why would I want to spend a week with being gaslight into believing him? Why would I want to spend my valuable time trying to express my opinion when he’s the one that shut down any room for a conversation to happen. When you say things around the lines of: “I can’t change your opinions. You can’t change mine,” when involving with various Elitists, what do you expect me to do, Jake? If anything, I chose the more mature route. I’m not going to spend my week with trying to convince you of something that doesn’t stop and make you think. It’s obvious that you don’t think at all. I’d rather move elsewhere and have conversations that keep me engage rather than shut down an argument so early into the week. This was something that you should have thought about, Jake. Bronson and Milli may have entertained with your bullshit, but I’m not going to do that. But, go ahead, yell, cry, throw a fit and tell me how wrong I am and that I’m just being a ‘coward,’ but I’ve always been here. You could have said something A LOT earlier and yet, you said nothing. You’re the one that cared more than me. You’re the one that’s kept in touch with who I’ve talked too. That’s not the investment that I have with you and it seems like I had a good reason too.

Also, me > you.


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