MATCH PROMO » new boundaries.

Andrea Valentine

Well-known member
EAW Hall of Famer
So you're just saying anything now, huh? Saying how me, Raven, and Ms. Extreme took on the task of winning War Games for the sympathy from fans and for all of their attention? It was Veena who signed the contract that would end up sending all three of us to have to compete in War Games without any one of us and not even Matt Daniels - who'd been her very own co-commissioner - having been aware of her actions when she first did it, and I'm sure you know how contracts work, right? Because it was the same contract that she used to force the three of us into the match which meant no backing out and even if trying to get out of that had been the case, if she'd be able to get what she wanted all along, I'm sure it only would've meant having to do the worst. Or is that what you think we all should've done, and packed our bags to quit and then headed out the door never to return? But please, Darcy, please point me in the direction of the million and one other girls who have someone like Veena actively trying to end their careers by having sent what's basically a hitman after them to help get that job done, because that wasn't all happening because we were "too pretty" or "too fragile" it's because we're that good - but don't all a million and one of you just jump up and raise your hands to let me know you've lived that exact same experience all at once now! How you think everything I've accomplished and so much of what I've proven throughout this reign hasn't added to this championship is beyond me, but I know it's all been worth it and I'm only going to make sure that I show for that on Friday.

I don't do the things I do for sympathy from the fans or to try to get them all to feel sorry for me just because I've been in difficult situations, I certainly don't say things just for the hell of it to inspire sympathy either, but somehow you've managed to twist it in your mind that it's all just an act... so that people will like me? I can promise you that's not the case when, if anything, they're able to appreciate and respect all the work they've seen me put in to be as successful as I have. For you to keep on continuing to grossly insist that I said any of what I did when it came to who I'd be going into this match all in mind with on last week's Dynasty like any of it was a reason I came up with only so that fans would like me is truly something you know nothing about, but if this is your way of trying to make things more "personal" all because I did something as simple as having shown up to do nothing but watch your match that you obviously didn't have it in you to finish since my presence there was just too much for you, then you're really only putting yourself in a position to be nothing but let down with a loss in the end. I don't insist on people "feeling sorry for me" and I don't talk about my goals for sake of hoping it'll mean more fans will get behind the message I'm sending just because I said so, when they're behind me every step of the way because of what I've given inside that ring every time and how I've continued to prove myself as one of the best. I go out and show that I'm every bit capable of accomplishing each and every goal that I put my focus into. I've continued - and will continue - to do that with the Specialists Championship by taking on the challengers that I have, and I've done it by putting in the work to have fought this far.

My own experience in this is going to mean something, Darcy, because no matter the experience of any of the competitors I've faced off against, I was sure to bring my best every time. I've stood against the pressure that was on me in those moments when I had to defend and deliver and I owned every bit of it. When War Games was only just a bit away and I had come over to Dynasty for a title defense, I had the pressure of what it'd mean to go back to Voltage without my Specialists Championship looming over the match but I pushed right back against it for me to be successful. When the pressure to defend my championship just before Wicked Games against all the odds that presented themselves, I capitalized on every moment possible in that vicious match for me to proudly hold up that championship as I stood on that ladder. You're feeling like some surprise because of your inexperience is going to be the difference-maker for me, but when you've already questioned if I can "actually wrestle", one of the real takeaways of what I've shown along the way this season and in my defenses is that I can adapt to plenty of situations no matter someone else's experience and bring even more to that ring than what was already thought to be possible.

Whether they were World Champions, Hall of Famers, or those that didn't have something like any of that experience, I still dug for everything and even beyond in any of those moments for me to be the champion that I have. I've fought the way that I have and delivered with however I pushed myself to over the last six months because of what being Specialists Champion again has always meant to me, because of what it's meant for me to know that I'm one of the best. But just because I've accomplished so much and been a part of historic moments doesn't mean that I'm thinking I'm about to come into this feeling like I don't have a challenge ahead of me. There's been a challenge in some way for every title defense I've had for me to get through - whether it was Celes' apparent resentment towards me that she was sure to show and even her use of Miho to try to take this from me, Katheryn's bloodlust and desire to take my title to try to ruin it all for me, Helena's newness on Dynasty while having the thought of War Games being just a literal week away, or Serena Riot and Veena going to work on being as ruthless as they could - but I warred with all of that pressure in every one of those moments to take the wins and everything they meant going forward, and I'll go far here to do the exact same. Having to contend with that and thinking you've got me right where you want me is going to prove to be your problem, Darcy, just like some of them thought before you because for you to honestly say that what I said about my friend was nothing but a lie and just for show, that how and why I've come to care so much about this championship isn't real, I'm going to stay on every moment to lead to me winning. You have to step into the ring and prove against someone as good as me that you can get it done on your own without distractions and without so much help in a moment like this, but for as much as you're going to try and I know you're absolutely going to try, I'm going to show to have wanted this more, needed this more because I said from the very beginning I was going to make the most of everything I found myself in however I could so that it ended up being a success and I'm going to make this is be another one of those moments for me.

I know what it's all meant up to this point for me from every loss, every win from the time I returned just a little over two years ago now and Friday is going to be the day that I seize on every advantage possible, every opportunity to win and make history by doing exactly that. I've taken every chance to push myself no matter who I've been against, I'm going to do it all again to push myself into making more history as the woman who'll go on to achieve so much more as still the reigning Specialists Champion, and the lengths I go to have fought and accomplished something like that are going to be absolutely undeniable when this match is over and I'm proudly continuing with this reign. You're going to have to go on from this thinking of how you're going to have to recover, how the chance to make history was on the line and you were the one who lost it because of everything I'll have done to answer your best shots to take me down at every turn, and you're going to be the one leaving from this wondering where it all went wrong for you. And for you, where you'll come to know you went wrong is having been from the very beginning before the bell will even have rang with how you decided to come into this thinking that I don't care about this championship, how you decided to say that I somehow wasn't all that serious when I said I was doing it for my friend, because everything I've given and everything I've done has been for all of that and what I'd be able to accomplish as one of the best to hold the Specialists Title. I know you're going to want to come into this ready to prove that you'd really been more than good enough to have gotten that New Breed Championship match, to have gotten some of the other opportunities that you wanted to get just so mad about since you obviously knew being a part of Valkyrie was holding you back from them, but I'm going to be the one to hold you back from achieving something else when Dynasty rolls around and it's going to be my absolute pleasure to do it!

You won't be able to blame management like you've gotten so used to, you won't be able to blame someone from outside of this getting in the way, but you'll know to look to me as the reason why you didn't get your hands on this championship and why I was right to say that getting to look at it is as close as you're going to get to it. I know they're strong words, they weren't thrown around as carelessly as you saying I don't care about this title, but I'm going to follow up on them with a win I knew I'd be able to get, not just because I've won matches "X, Y, Z" but because of what I'll have done to show that just like I've done in so many of them already that I'll continue to work to go beyond and then some for me to go on continuing to make this all even that much more worth it. From the time I couldn't wrestle, to the time I came back having shown that taking that time away from Empire to do nothing but improve my skills was the best decision I had made even though you somehow just tried to call it all a careless move, and through the championship losses, the big moment victories, literally everything all the way up to now - I'm putting all of that into crossing what'll be whole new boundaries when it comes to this win, to keep crossing beyond what everyone else believes my limits might be and how far I can truly take this championship, because this is a moment for me and what I've faced, for everyone who's ever supported me, and I'm going to make damn sure that I put so much and more into accomplishing that for myself and all of them. Katheryn made sure to remind me how her experience didn't match mine and really wanted to make it so that I was the one with my back against the wall just as much as you're doing now, Darcy, and you're going to find out when I'm pushing you and taking this match to another level that the fight you started from last week Friday is going to come to end with me having been willing to go further.

I never said you that you didn't want to be in the position that you are, Darcy, that's all been coming from you at me as you've been trying so desperately to make it seem that way about me, but what I said about you being careless all had to do with you taking everything about what I said last week and convincing yourself that I would actually come to say all of that about my friend and what this title means to me as if all those words somehow really meant nothing to me or if I didn't actually mean them. That right there is careless. Maybe you decided to have to stoop to something like that because you really are that desperate, maybe it's just a real sad attempt on your part where you'll swear you're just trying to "get the best out of someone", but when I'm putting all that very much real emotion, all that very much real determination into striking down every attempt you're going to make inside that ring, it won't be something you're going to question in the end. The fans have seen what I've been through when it comes to this championship - having lost to Serena Bennett, not being able to compete for the title, but then coming right back for it when I could only for me to go on to have this great run - and what they're going to end up seeing from me now and in this match, is how I'll have come to defeat you right there in Dynasty's ring to stand tall as the Specialists Champion.
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