LIVE! At the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Drake King & Cy Henderson vs Fire & Ice
- "Stay out of my way, or you'll regret it."
- Minerva vs Daniella Atlas
- Fire & Ice are called to Kensingten and Richard's office.
- BRAE vs Kai Rabeaux
- Dynasty Elitists make their Grand Rampage declarations known as they draw their numbers
- Holly Arrow vs Kirk Redwood
- Jay Jerry Johnson and Holly Arrow meet, but someone else has something to say...
- An interesting challenge comes Hans Grayson's way.
- Jaylond Stone vs Corey Hale vs Vincent Mondrian
- The King of Elite is not going to stand for more disrespect!
- Saori Aizen vs Allegra Costello
- "What the heck happened last week, man?"
LIVE! At the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Veena Adams w/ Elysium vs. Donovan Duke w/ Silas World
- “You wanted an opportunity? This is what I have to give & one of you may not like it.”
- The Hustle Alliance have a Heart to Heart.
- SOSA Henderson vs. Roberto De La Rosa – Silas Mason on Commentary!
- “What is your answer?”
- Miku Sakai vs. Sorn
- Miku wants another shot at gold & Alana is going to give it to her at Grand Rampage.
- Grace De Luca & Auburn Ware have a face to face!
- Bronson Daniels w/ Jon Kelton vs. Brianna Hill w/ Silas World
- Silas World holds a funeral service for Milli Banks to open Showdown!
LIVE! At the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- British Invasion (Halsey Neel, Pandora Paisley, & Daryl Kinkade) vs. Ashlynn Quinn, Bea Valentine, & Michael Machina - Trios Match
- Limmy Monaghan has a visitor!
- Damien Kutcher & Akari Kiyoko w/Luna Adeline vs. Jake Smith & Caroline
- Bea Valentine calls out Caroline!
- Methuselah vs. Solomon Stane w/Trixie Stane
- Effy McAvoy’a next challenger steps forward!
- Chiyo Gedo vs. Octavia
- “I don’t care what’s in this briefcase! I’m cashing it in for Grand Rampage!”
- “I’m so not putting up with this anymore!”
- Bridget Bridget vs. Candice Blair w/Selina Reyes
- Chiyo and Bridget set a match to settle the score!
- Captain Charisma addresses the fuckery of Shock Value but is interrupted by Jake Smith.