MATCH PROMO Jay Jerry Johnson’s Appreciation Day

Jay Jerry Johnson

Just a few days away from Grand Rampage but it feels like this event will never end, not for me or anyone else. Grand Rampage has become an ongoing conversation that will continue until the final moment of this game we're all playing. I've been sitting here. I’ve been reflecting on the ups and downs of my interactions with almost everyone, and I'm relieved that I no longer have to maintain that facade of speaking like an adult. It's strange to express this inner sentiment after all the babbling I've done but trust me when I say this, it's a relief to acknowledge where I've been. For those curious about my well-being, it's been stressful, but strangely, I feel more serene. I'm not as emotional as I once was, not filled with the same intensity or rage. There's just… this sense of tranquility within me that allows me to speak with clarity and ensure that everyone in this match understands my intentions clearly.

There's one person I haven't really opened up to yet, but I feel like now might be a good time. It's been a while since our last match against each other, Ryan. If there's anyone who understands the ups and downs of an elitist career, it's definitely you. But like the last time we shared the ring, you reminded me of the joy in seeing others working their way through similar struggles. Fighting against our own demons and challenges has never been easy, as you well know. And I've held onto that understanding myself. As we approach Grand Rampage, it's clear that this is a huge opportunity for everyone involved. Each of us wants to seize the chance to stand at the top of the mountain in this match. Everyone has their own reasons for competing and striving to win, including yourself, who has undoubtedly dreamed and fantasized about winning in the Grand Rampage. I have nothing against that, and I want to extend my support to you. People like you always deserve a chance. Those who never shy away from competition, who always seize opportunities in life, deserve recognition but I must make a distinction here. This support doesn't extend to your villainous persona. That Ryan Wilson belongs to a darker place. That version of you doesn't belong here; it's not meant for this place. That aspect of you should stay confined to the drawing board but this Ryan Wilson, the one I see before me, this is the Ryan Wilson I want to see succeed.This version of Ryan Wilson is the true workhorse. This is Ryan Wilson, who has desired to turn his life around since the turning point of his journey. I'm pleased to see how important this transformation has become to you. I recognize the hardships you're enduring, and I'm not belittling any of your efforts. Considering your defeat against Xander Payne, if I were in your position, I would feel the same way. Overcoming the parasite that has plagued your side for so long would definitely be a monumental victory. A triumphant moment for an underdog who has struggled for years to finally beat his greatest enemy. More than just champagne popping and caps flying high, it's about laying down the flowers of victory that you rightfully deserve. The story of Ryan Wilson has taken many wrong turns, but through it all, you've persevered. You have weathered countless setbacks to this very moment where you're on a mission to redeem yourself by winning the Grand Rampage. Honestly,I nearly overlooked everything you've been expressing this week because I didn't want to treat you as just another opponent. But when I truly opened my eyes, I felt a pang of remorse for belittling the hard work you've been putting in. You're not just spewing empty words; you genuinely want to earn this victory. You truly want to take it back home. Like me, like everyone else in this match, you've staked your whole life on this opportunity, trying to achieve your long-held desires. I can empathize deeply with you. I can feel the weight of the world you're carrying, down to the very core of my being but despite all of that, it's beside the point. What matters now is how we move forward and how we strive to attain our goals here in Grand Rampage. What I want more isn’t your pain. What I want more from everyone, yourself included, is a spirited competition and I can perceive that you're prepared to do your best this week. Clear as a day, you're not inclined to deceive anyone. You aspire to be as truthful as possible. I urge you to pursue that.

I have faith that you have the capability to achieve it.

Make a name for yourself.

We're all about change, aren't we? I'm glad to have found some balance this week where I'm not sounding utterly pathetic. Speaking of change, it brings to mind you, Ronan Malosi. It just occurred to me that I've addressed Chained Fury altogether in this one video, so it feels like the perfect opportunity to speak to both of you. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the changes you're making because, truth be told, I have nothing more to offer. I've given you multiple chances to try and take me down, but Oliver Branch has been overused and is now out of stock. It's not meant as disrespect, offense, or a way to downplay what we've been through; it's simply what's best for both of us. In every interaction, I don't need to bring up any losses you've had against me, nor do I need to present evidence of past victories or defeats. I don't need to remind you of my past words and videos or showcase any embarrassments you've shamelessly displayed on social media or TV screens. Because, at the end of the day, I've been down that road, and it's worth nothing. It doesn't feel like anything is changing up to this very moment. I should retract a bit because, congratulations, you've held the title more times than I ever could, and you managed to redeem yourself after what was nothing short of a miserable end to your first reign but… it’s just there. Your entire reign was truly nothing without Albert Hitchman or your cheap tricks, while I've been putting my life on the line every single week, pushing everyone to step up and give their best. But even that's beside the point. We've proven time and time again how things went down between us. It's never been like the first time. Even when you managed to score against me initially, cheap tricks came in handy to eventually take me out of the competition. But the last two times we faced off, you couldn't even bring me down at your peak performance. I have far fewer anticipations this time because you've already demonstrated that you don't phase me. You haven't altered anything between us. You're still a lackluster role model for your own child. You're nothing without the EAW Interwire Championship boosting your moral superiority because flying solo has never been your thing. The only difference with Ronan Malosi this season is that he's been handed a bigger meal ticket, and that's the end of the story. There have been numerous occasions where you've had the opportunity to rise above and reach the same level as your peers and adversaries, but it's never come to fruition. Throughout your life, you've been surrounded by a mountain of failures that only continue to grow with each passing day. You've been ensnared in a cycle of being a pitiful loser, and regrettably, you haven't evolved one iota. I regret attempting to be optimistic about your new persona; the reality is, despite your endeavors, it simply hasn't panned out. I've made every effort to uncover something positive to say about you since our title match, but it's still the same thing. Even after your championship victory, my perception of you remains unchanged. I'm sorry, Ronan, but as much as I'd prefer to take it easy on you this time, this is the bare minimum I can offer.

Maybe it's time for you to take a long, hard look at yourself so you don't constantly find yourself in situations where the pot is calling the kettle black, Jake Smith. "You managed to spew more nonsense in one video than most people can muster in a year. It's almost impressive how you try so hard to sound profound but end up coming off as an incoherent mess. Your words are a jumbled tirade of desperation, reeking of insecurity and envy." Maybe you're actually my dad, trying to mimic my behavior and turning into a complete mess of insults. But let's move past that. I'm not here to sling insults; I'm here to set things straight and perhaps knock some sense into your numbskull. Every loss hurts, and I'm sure it would hurt you too, but given your current status and development, I highly doubt it.I'm not even sure if you still possess normal human emotions at this point because they seem to have vanished. It's become tiresome to see how Jake Smith has lost touch with his emotions and mindset. One thing you got right, though, is that I never knew when to quit. I just don't. Do you? Do you know when to quit? No, you don't. Jake Smith is forever, isn't it? And so is anyone else paving their way to this match. None of us quit, and you know why? It's because we're resilient. It's because we've been pushing since day one, refusing to acknowledge the concept of quitting. We don't even know what that means. We all keep pushing, moving toward our destinies and goals without stopping. Do you see me stopping after Extreme Elimination Chamber and the countless opportunities I've fumbled before getting here? Why am I still here, then? Why do I keep pushing when others would say it's utterly pointless if nothing changes? Because change is possible. New outcomes are always within reach, but only if you're willing to push and give your best. Isn't that right? Am I wrong? I may have stumbled and failed to find success in my career lately, a long way from where I started, but I still understand what it takes to be the very best, to earn acceptance from others. I may not have perfect skill sets, as I've admitted to Bronson, but does that mean you lack the intelligence to apply yourself and pursue your goals? Of course not. But go ahead, I've never been able to get through to you. Anything I say just seems to bounce off you, much like everyone else's attempts to communicate with you. You're the most self-centered individual to ever set foot on this ground. Just like the father you claim to be, you've failed to leave an impression on your child and have bestowed upon your entire lineage a legacy devoid of worth.

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