Jacob Moore

The American Psycho
It's been a few weeks since the last time you suckers have seen my face, and I know it seems I had been forgotten about with Crossfire happening in addition to Empire killing it with Manifest Destiny but we back to that weekly grind and all the fools that got shine instead of me will be exposed for frauds when the time comes and speaking of frauds, we have two frauds as "co-National Elite Champions". What the fuck is that? We got two belts now? Do they share it? If this isn't the biggest circle jerk I've seen since Robbie V was active, I don't know what is. Daryl Kinkade and Charlie Marr have hopped on the Rex McAllister train and leeching off his big success, not that I'm surprised. "B-b-but Jacob, they beat Prince of Phenomenal, they earned it." Bullshit. Charlie shouldn't have been in that match to begin with, it's clear the influence he has on the GM with his all of a sudden demand to be given that very title shot right before we faced a few weeks back. That was fluke and I will be exacting my revenge this week on that snaggle-toothed dirty bum and his pet dog and I'll throw some extra change your way after I'm done to prove my point. Charlie was gone damn near the same time as me and yet he's automatically gifted a championship match? What a load of garbage. I guess I should start taking out higher ups to get what I want, huh? Beating these randoms every week isn't cutting it. It's alright, though, I'm a patient man when I wanna be and this will be no different. What a slow burn, Charlie, we've had this bad blood going for quite a while now and you get one win over me and suddenly it's like I fell off. If I was capable of doing that, I would've four years ago but here I am, still standing and still getting more money than you'll ever hold just off my seniority in this business. I'll be honest. I didn't watch your match at Crossfire because, well, frankly, I didn't give a damn. If I'm not there, it's not a show worth watching, plain and simple. Nobody wanted to see guys toppling over each other to get a pinfall, fuck that. I would've killed that motherfucker POP twice to get that belt and slit the other guy's throat as soon as we came in contact and make sure that shit was rightfully mine, not shared with another person. What a pity the one time you both work together, it's not when it counts. Clowns.

I'll hand it to you, Kinkade, you're approaching this match more rationally than Charlie ever would, especially with me involved and I know Noah wasn't exactly the meanest but you're playing a different game when you're talking to me or fighting against me. You acknowledge the fact that both Noah and I are in fact talented competitors - who the fuck gets here without having some sort of talent - and I can tell you're the more level-headed member of "MarrKade". That shit sounds like a tumblr ship, but I'll let it slide for now for the sake of saving what breath I haven't already wasted. I can point out some things wrong with what you said, though. You're a formidable team? Is that why you didn't win the tag team titles? Not that you'd still be holding them right now anyway with Drilmatic running amuck, but really? You both have been in way over your heads multiple times and it's cost you. It's why you had to make that pathetic promise to not come up short once again because that would sure as hell be embarrassing. Noah and I don't have the proper "tag team experience" to qualify as anything more than a last second thrown together team and we sure as fuck ain't scarfing down each other's dicks like you and your boy, but that doesn't mean you're exactly up to the task. If you throw DEDEDE and Banks together in a team, just because they haven't established themselves as a team prior and worked so closely together, that doesn't erase the fact their fucking legends and their singles accomplishments together blow anybody else's out of the water. That's a monster team. When DEDEDE and Impact fucked shit up in REVOLT, they hadn't teamed before that, shit, I was pretty sure they hated each other, but GOATs recognize GOATs and because of their ability as individuals, they made them being a unit that much more dangerous. I'd say me and Noah might be the same way. I never talked to that guy in my whole life besides a couple interactions in passing backstage but I'd be as dumb as your partner there to assume this would be a train wreck for us and a walk in the park for you. You put two very capable guys on the same side - former champions and briefcase holders, the present and future of this company - and you got a problem no matter what. That's right, Daryl, YOU got a problem. I could not have any contact with Noah before showing up to Voltage and we'd still be able to bounce off each other and go to fucking work when the bell rings because that's just the type of guys we are. I'm not a "team player", never even been apart of a team mostly because I don't like to rely on other people, but if anything, Noah knows more about tag team wrestling than the both of you combined, . We aren't afraid of you and Marr just because you're already a team by any means and when we see you on Sunday, we're gonna treat you like dirt on the bottom of our boots. Personally, this would be a big deal for me to win myself since I've been trying to chase that National Elite belt for a while now and getting to bag on both of you rooks and prove myself to be a better candidate would be perfect. I already have to go out of my way to get proper booking, this is the cherry on top, so be it. Speaking of the bonehead again..

You claim to have this "brother" bond and it's hilarious to watch considering you've known each other for a few measly months and have accomplished absolutely nothing up until this point. "Who needs the tag titles when we have the National Elite?" Well, dumbass, having the tag team titles and actually proving yourself as, you know, a team is what you're supposed to be doing. You think you're hot shit since you FINALLY did something of significance as a team in a triple threat match? Frankly, Charlie, I bet the other teams around here would be quite offended and I know you don't care but that's out of pure ignorance. You're so obsessed with yourself and your image, you don't care what the fuck you're known for as long as you're known and right now, you're known as the one piggybacking off of Daryl's win. Are you really proud of yourself for that? I couldn't even entertain the thought of being caught up in such bullshit. And you may say, "I'm not selfish, I love Daryl" like a headass but that's not the point. If Daryl had pinned you instead, your ass would be fired up, I guarantee it because at the end of the day you can put on this facade that you two really care about each other and your best interests when in reality, it's always been about your own and it's not a bad thing - it's typical in this business, as it should be. Nobody is really here to play friends. It's why the High Rollerz split up, you thought those dudes would be unbreakable as a team after all that time and all those highs and lows, and yet, Davidson left to go struggle in 500-capacity rooms. A fool, yes, but that's how the world works. It's why I've never entertained teaming up with anyone, I didn't like having to share the spotlight and accomplishments but of course, I've become more humble now. Kind of. If I REALLY wanted to make a team work, I could because I'm that damn good. I gotta work on my people skills, sure, but I'm aware of what it would take. Noah Reigner's former allies have for whatever reason been thrown to the side and I know I'm probably gonna be compared to those who formerly ran with him but what we need to get out of the way now is I am unlike any other competitor on Planet Earth. Not just EAW. Both of you have minds filled with doubt and you've admitted that to us all - thanks - and that right there tells me what I need to know and that's that you're both riding on a temporary high. "Holy shit! I won! I didn't think I could!", I'll spit on your fucking graves. Me, I've never doubted myself. I've never walked into a match like "damn, I don't think I can do this, this is gonna be bad". What the fuck kind of man would I be? What kind of wrestler? Not a useful one and damn sure not a good one. I walk into every match I have with no doubt that I will be giving a great performance no matter the outcome. That's my mindset and it's one you should adapt if you expect to even make it past your first bullshit defense as champion. Champions. I've been in this game for a long time for good reason, despite all my setbacks. Charlie, you've gotten real brave since you beat me and don't think I haven't been paying attention. You didn't "throw me across the ring like a ragdoll" nor did you "make me your bitch. I frustrated you to no end because you couldn't put me away and your ego had you thinking I was some jobber despite me fucking you up twice earlier this year. I kicked out of your pathetic ass "Queen is Dead", too. I wouldn't say anything about that match was easy but what else do I expect from you of all people? You couldn't even throw me if you wanted to, anyway considering you could barely lift me for a spinebuster. The dude that got beat by NOBI is trying to intimidate me. Funny. This is no time for celebration. You had all weekend to do that after your little controversial win. Real champs get right back into it and focus on the next target. This isn't some bar run. There won't be drinking and laughing. You aren't gonna come out of Voltage unscathed. If anything, you'll be coming out with opened eyes because you both are blinded right now by this sudden success and Noah and I will allow you to see the light after we knock you back to reality. I don't know what dream world you're living in but it's not one where you two rule over anybody, especially not us. Reminder, this is my fucking show and I'll do whatever I have to do to ensure MY show runs smoothly and that means another win for House Reigner and another win for..House Moore. We'll figure out a name, right Noah?

Whatever legacy you two think you're about to create by being duel champions and proclaiming that you're better than those who came before you, that will be coming to a halt shortly after I shit down your throats and humble your asses. There is indeed strength in numbers and I realize that now. What an unfortunate time for you.

See you paper bums at Voltage.

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