Jay Jerry Johnson

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that one place i forgot what it called
Meant to be.

Meant to win.

Meant to redeem the past.

Meant to find joy.

Meant to be criticizing everyone else…

Never meant how so.

Every elitist that comes to this battlefield always has one thing in common: winning the Grand Rampage. But I find it interesting how some of these people aren't quite there and never set their goals straight in the grand scheme of things. Some people talk about winning the Grand Rampage, yet all they do is spout off without justifying their claim or addressing why they'd win over us. They're just known for flapping their gums quicker than expected. It might sound ironic coming from me, given what I've said to Hans, but I'm fully committed to winning the Grand Rampage, just like everyone else, and I have my own compelling reasons behind that claim. So I reserve every right to declare that my primary aim is to vie for victory, even if I don't have unwavering faith in my odds. Always, if you want to win something, you try. You don’t have to worry about the chances because if there were never any efforts, you never meant to achieve a thing.

It's a part of our being to forgive someone, Jon Kelton. I don't have to hold onto eternal resentment against you if you're able to transform your attitude, behavior, or even your view towards me as a whole. I'm not angry. I'm not pissed off. This is the calmest I've ever been, and it's because I'm glad for the person you've become and for what you're seeking to do out there. Everyone else in this match has their own path to focus on, so when it boils down to myself, I'm looking at the elevation of my career as well. But this is just the beginning of my never-ending story. Sometimes I convince myself that I'm unsure of my future. I'm not confident about what will happen in the foreseeable future, but that's not a concern if my endeavor continues for a few more years until I eventually achieve what I aim for. More changes don't necessarily simplify things; they remain constant. Despite the many years of working day in and day out, shedding blood and breaking sweat in this ring we all grace upon, one thing that remains unchanged is the ultimate success we all strive for but that doesn't mean it changes with your desires, ambitions, or the way we all act. I've learned about this new development in you, and I appreciate it. I'm not against anything you represent because you are the representative of your own life. You are a pure fighter seeking redemption for your past and correcting your past wrongdoings. You hit a major roadblock against Chef Viz in the pivotal juncture of your career, vying for the Answers World Championship. It was a wake-up call, forcing you to confront the plague that's plagued your career for decades. Like everyone, myself included, we view this as the ultimate solution to our collective woes and challenges. All of us are craving, yearning, and much more needs to be said about our desire to win this monumental Grand Rampage. What I want to convey to you here is that I won't stop you from getting what I need. I'm not halting myself from chasing and hunting down my own desire to prove everyone else wrong and make them remember who I am once again. Since my altercation with Hans Grayson, things haven't been the greatest. I could stand here and tell myself, 'I'm still the very best, despite the hard way these elitists have employed against me,' but that's beside the point. The focus is on you and all the past failures you've endured so far, and how these endurance tests will eventually pay off in competitions like the Grand Rampage. I accept your apology and your dedication coming into this match. I will be doing my very best, unlike ever before, entering the Grand Rampage, and we all expect you to do the same, to finally atone for all your mistakes and false actions, down to every bad mouthing word of yours, to become the most faithful Jon Kelton we will ever get. Please give it your all. You've earned every single right to achieve, and perhaps this last hope will finally be a bright light that brings justice back to this world once and for all.

To be honest, there's nothing I can offer you in this situation. I've tried from the beginning, but I already know how it's going to end up and where this will lead so at this moment, I'm not surprised at all by your behavior. Usagi Senshi, I'm only asking what your goal is. If you won't provide even a slight answer, then I won't have anything else to go on. I'm not ignoring you; it's just that no information has been provided since you started talking. Good for you, keep talking. Keep running your mouth. That mouth of yours will never win the race, just like you've never won anything in your life. You keep trying hard, but your efforts will never get you anywhere as long as you continue ranting and talking to everyone like this. You're nothing but a pathetic bug in my garden, a leech and a parasite that needs to be purged from this company, just like I'll clear you out of my ring soon enough. Your track record speaks for itself—countless matches, numerous title shots, all gone wasted. Spare me the Grand Rampage glory tales; it means squat. You’re a lost cause, all thanks to your attitude and juvenile antics that render you utterly inept. You're not changing, and you never will. Don’t bring a sword to a gunfight. Don’t come after anyone if you keep barking without ever delivering a bite.

We might as well have really forgotten about you if you continue to be super unresponsive at this very moment, but it's very anticipatory coming from someone who has always been perennial lackluster in everything they've spent their time doing. My bad for linking you with New Breeder, BRAE. I should've pegged you lower after that video because I didn't figure you'd be this ignorant about me. Guess your ears were too busy with the inner monologue, so I'll be loud and clear. You are not great. You're not even good. You constantly cap yourself, like there's an invisible ceiling above you when no one's forcing you to stay beneath it. You brush off everything I've said because, deep down, you know I've been right about you from the get-go. You've been running with this tired, ancient joke about English education, causing harm to those who don't share your flawless skill set. You've been throwing verbal punches, but it's water off a duck's back. You're still the same guy who can't stand to recognize the effort I'm pouring into this venture because you're itching to reach the same heights. You thought belittling my achievements was clever, but you're just digging your own grave. Want the truth? You've got the most potential in the New Breed elitists that rivaling even Michael Machina until you stepped up to the plate, yet you don't find yourself facing those with the same potential, including myself. You're always overconfident, thinking you can match the resilience of facing off against Mig De Decker or others in your league, but truth is, you've been brought down to earth by all of us. You've been embarrassed, and when that happens, you lose your drive. Your dedication fizzles out, and you morph from a faux tough guy into a sorry excuse for a human, wallowing in defeat. Call me what you like. Tell me that I'm not as good as I once was. Tell me more that you're not feeling the same way. Just like any others who've already told me. Just like any others who've already said that to my face. Just like anyone else who's told me I've been letting myself down and not performing at my best, they will all be proven wrong as they reach another level of understanding about me. What's the latest highlight in my career? Making it to the final four of the main event at Road to Redemption Night 2 to be rubbing shoulders with Myles, Jake Smith, and Bronson Daniels. What about yours? What’s your latest claim to fame? Nada. Zilch. Since you showed up, it's been proverbial crickets. You tried to stir the pot, but it all sizzled into another flop, ripe for everyone else's amusement. If you're looking for failure, check the mirror. You're your own walking disappointment, and that's not changing anytime soon. Know your place and understand that there are levels to this game. Realize that you're not consistently hitting your mark as if it's the last day on earth. This is another level of talent you must strive to reach, to show us why you're unique and how your strength will benefit you. While these insults might seem entertaining to some, I don't find them particularly engaging or offensive. It's not what I desire from anyone. We're not competing to see who can insult better; we're competing to see who can stand tall at the end of the night. You haven't been demonstrating that. You keep belittling my power and energy, but make no mistake, while you might think it's a good idea, you'll eventually face your own failures time and time again. Quit while you still can. Stop throwing stones at the glass house; it's not making anything better.

This is how it is, Bronson. This is how it has always been, and I am not downplaying my own words when you think that I am underappreciated. It has always been the recurring theme of my own life that I never felt appreciated for once. But like anyone else, I can't feel at the very top when I feel overwhelmed. However, what we all have in common is that we don't stop. We never give up on trying. We never throw our dreams and desires away to kill our business. We never let our ship sink to the bottom of the ocean because we, as workers and loyal members of the game, are driven by our desire to keep going and never stop until we achieve what we can. My latest video wasn't a facade, and you know it. It was my true feeling that I wanted to express. It was something real, something that has been stuck in my chest for a very long time, and I was expecting someone to be able to heed my message and understand it. So once again, I owe a thank you to you. I owe a thank you to anyone else who has given me competition, including you, who will always push me to my limits. Everyone else is always struggling, and that's you. I'm not taking away from how you managed to reach and get here in the first place, but as I was saying, you seemed to feel too easy when you finally got a stage on top and looked down on anyone else who had been doing the same as you in the past few years.

Bluntly speaking, I hate the way you easily forgot about it, but now you remember. Now you remember because you see my struggle. It took seeing someone like me, like Milli Banks, anyone else battling like me, to jog your memory about what you've been up to all this time, clawing your way here. You spotted something in us—something akin to what you once possessed, that same fire in the belly we all still carry, just like you once did and still do to push towards the future you envision. Never once have I held myself back; never have I underestimated my abilities because the truth is, I wasn't dealt the perfect hand in life to rival the current Big 3 of Friday Night Dynasty. That's a fact because I've stared down hell myself to be reminded that life will always be fraught with peril and adversity that willing to pull you back down. I've endured my own personal hell, letting the flames stoke my resolve to emerge whole, with scars and wounds as my badges of honor. Understand this—I've never shied away from setbacks, never stooped below a certain standard to voice these truths, because this is who I am, what I've always been about but I persisted. Nothing has ever shackled me, because no matter how many times I stumble and tumble, regardless of the overwhelming competition, even in moments of fear or anxiety, I keep moving, keep grinding, striving to stay ahead until the very end. You never stopped me; you only meant to be my competition, just like anyone else struggling to fight you, like when you struggle to fight people at another level where they are standing before none other. You think I don’t believe any of us have been struggling? Then what the fuck am I even doing with myself if that’s the case? What have I been doing these past two years, enduring failures and hearing your underestimations time after time again? Who is it that truly has been disrespecting my own capability if it wasn’t from the same guy who told me from the very beginning of this week that I am not worth his time, when he knew deep down that every competition I gave him was always a result of hard work I put in? He wouldn’t mention it himself with me, and anyone else who got along his path pushed him to test his capabilities in every possible situation. Do you know after all of this, who's stopping me? Nobody. I fall, and I get up. I'm just pushed down to pull myself back up, just dropped on my neck to put my bone back in place, and come back to find who snapped it out in the first place. Across the boards, through thick and thin, across lands and seas, for these past two years, it's been my gig to right my wrongs and put them in check, and NOTHING has ever been a speed bump in my hustle. You wanna know what 'halt' means? It's when they slam the retirement door in your face, when they tell you to hang up the gloves, to never lace up and step into the ring of pro wrestling again. That’s the stop they talk about, but that wasn’t me. I can’t fall yet. I can’t die yet. I can’t leave this place and sit back watching others rise to success yet because as long as I'm here, as long as I know you are going to keep telling me I have been doubting my skills set and such, when it's just a ploy to lowball my talent, I’m not taking that lying down. I won't play it cool do as you digest my words, YOU will soon get a reminder to be circling back to what I've been telling you all along. Sometimes I'm embraced, sometimes my hustle's applauded, but it never quite lands. It's like I'm stuck in the shallow end when there are glittering treasures waiting to be plucked from the depths.

Maybe Grand Rampage will finally tell me exactly what I have been chasing, time and time again.
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