MATCH PROMO lol literally who even are you

Miku Sakai

Well-known member
Gee Daryl sure does talk a lot without saying anything at all. It's a skill to be honest. A lot of people can talk with some points made, good points made even, but then there's you Daryl. How did you acquire such a skill? I mean you talked for like what felt like 5 minutes of literal fluff, just to fill the time, and by the end of it, I had blue balls. All this anticipation for a point to be made, all this build-up to find out why you think I'm so stupid, and then... It ended. Much like every Woman you ever got intimate with, it would appear that I was left unsatisfied with this excruciating thing you call an attempt. How can one say so many words, without having anything to actually say? It's crazy. So, you go on, and on about how you used to think that I'm someone that you would look forward to facing, and then you finally do and you're left disappointed? Aw gee, why is that? Because you beat me with ease? Because you made better points than me during our little back and forth, and you felt unchallenged? That makes sense... Hey wait a minute! I won that match, and I made you look like the dead eyed drooling baby, dumb fuck that you are during the week of us talking. So what exactly are you getting at here? I wish I could say, but much like a lot of people here, you just say shit with no follow-up. I would love it, if people like you would learn how to fucking talk to other human beings. It would be incredible if for one day in your goddamn life, you left your parent's basement, and learned how to communicate. It would make your life so much more easy. But no, instead I have to deal with your incel behavior, with this roundabout promo where you say literally fucking nothing. Do you understand how fucking dumb you look by doing what you did? Honestly, all that talk with no examples as to why you think the way you do. I can tell you why I think negatively about you.. You fucking suck. I don't want EAW to pretend that you're a main eventer, because it's just so blatant that you don't have that in you. You don't have the mentality of a star. You don't have the ability to hang with the best of the best. You have faltered at every level every single time we have talked to each other, and at this point, you're just devolving into something that holds little to no value to this company. You say you learn from your mistakes, and yet here you are continuing to make mistake, after mistake, after mistake, because that's all you are... A mistake. Why did EAW bring you back? Was it all those titles you won? No, I don't think that one championship that you co-owned with someone else, that has outshined you in every way possible is enough to make them think that you're destined for anything. I just don't get it, I don't see it, and that's never going to change.

How can someone of as little importance as you, continue to be the person that you are? I beat you, and now you come out here and say I'm disappointed? Ok, I wish I could say the same, but you're exactly who I thought you were. Someone that is being given way too much for very little quality work. The fact that YOU came into the match under-estimating ME is all you need to know about how shit you are at this job. You may do some cute little moves, but after that? Nothing. You do nothing for anyone, and it can all come down to what you said to me... You underestimated ME. The person that has done nothing in this company, has impressed no one at all, and continues to be the most deadweight roster spot that I can think of, underestimated the person that has many awards to her name, a few titles, and is destined to be the next great main eventer. You underestimated THAT? Well, then I guess it's safe to say you never be anything in this company for as long as you are here. The only thing you can do is, learn, get better, and don't do dumb shit. But as you said, you already do that, and that's the best you could come up with? That's what you learned from failure? You're pathetic. Maybe you should go out and get a tutor so they can show you what you're missing. Maybe then they can give you the tools to actually be good at this. And the fact that you continue to bitch about people that were on your side, being at ringside when you LOST to me? I can't even make that up. You're making excuses about a thing, that should've benefited you in the first place. But no, woe is Daryl, what a fucking bitch. That whore Pandora literally attacked me during my match against Halsey and tried to take a win away from me. What did they do with you last week? Did they follow you? I doubt it. But even with the overwhelming facts about how they have never touched you, never attacked you, never done anything to you to make you feel unsafe; you still find a way to use it as an excuse as to why you lost to me. Take any sort of accountability for anything ever. Can you answer why it is that you haven't been able to accomplish anything at all in EAW? Bad luck? Is it because the fans were watching from the stands, and you felt unsafe? Pussy bitch. Maybe you'd feel more at home if you were back in your basement wrestling shirtless with your uncle Steve. You think it's weird that he decides to wrestle with his pants off too, but you accept it because he's an adult; and somehow even though he's much bigger than you, you always wind up winning! That's your peak. That's your wrestling prowess. I mean for real if you went into the last match thinking you were the favorite in the match, you still have a lot to learn. You're already wrestling behind the 8 ball, and I don't think you have any chance of catching up.

I just hope that one day you open your eyes and see how bad you truly are at this. The fact the words "Taking advantage of me being distracted doesn't make you better than me. It doesn't mean you out wrestled, outfought or outthought me" actually came out of you mouth, and you still think you're better than anyone is laughable. By you being distracted by someone else, that quite literally means that I outthought you, you fucking dumb mother fucker. You overthought the situation and thought to kept an eye on them, I didn't. I didn't overthink that, I didn't pay attention to them, and I won. Sorry, but you need to understand the words that you say, because you look worse and worse every single time. Anyway, this whole thing is just one thing in a larger picture isn't it? This is just one step before the clusterfuck, and honestly, we're all fucked in that situation. This is one clusterfuck before the bigger clusterfuck. I mean do I trust my partner? It's an Ava, it's all the same. They;re dumb bimbos that barely have a brain, and I can't get mad at that. I can't get mad at her for her shitty genetics, she didn't choose to be born with an extra chromosome. As long as she doesn't try any funny business, we should all be fine. Daryl, you're an idiot, and I think it's very much known by now. What we need to focus in on is the fact that you are teaming with someone you don't really know as a teammate either. But I'm going to guess you're going into this match as an individual, with an individual mindset, and you'll fuck it up somehow. It's what you do. PJ, I don't know you, I don't give a fuck about you, you say generic shit and bores me to death. You want to be Answers World Champion, so does everyone else. Try something to push boundaries and be excited for a change. We don't need another carbon copy of boring ass Rex McAllister, we already have that with Daryl. But now Daryl is trying to act tough, and hard, and it's just not him. So I don't know, maybe you are better just being boring because being something that you're not can have differing effects, such as being as cringe as Daryl Kinkade. But I will say this; no one gives a fuck about your journey, no one gives a fuck about what you want, your story isn't fucking special in the slightest. You are not special in the slightest. I mean yeah, that's really all you had, not much substance going on here.

I guess that's the whole theme of your little tag team. I know you didn't pick each other, and it's a one-time thing; but it's surprising how much you two seem to have in common. Who knows what's going to happen here, will anyone actually win? Will someone turn on the other? Will someone random just show up and ruin things? I don't know, if you ever watched a Miku match, and I know everyone has; you know that random bullshit happens all the time. Maybe Devolution will randomly show up and ruin things for the 3rd time in a row. Well... They didn't ruin it for me the first time, I won that match... Right Daryl? But either way, this is good. This match is going to show that I can work well with others if they don't fuck me over. That should be known honestly seeing that IDOL-GUN was such a huge success, but still I'm sure people neglect all of that, and makeup shit to make it seem like I can't co-exist with anyone. The Ava I'm teaming with might be a woat for sure, that's undeniable. But does that mean that I can't win a match with her? Does that mean I can't wrestle a match with her watching on the apron? No, I'm not such a fucking freak that I can't wrestle a match with a random person that I have literally no feeling for. But we'll see obviously. Will Raven come and ruin things again? We shall see. But if she does come back and try to ruin my life, I will deal with that as well. No one is going to stop me from my ultimate goal; I am going to be one of the biggest stars this business has ever seen. And everyone is going to have to just deal with it. Sorry not sorry.
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