MATCH PROMO Can the real opponent show up plz?

Jesse Barlow

Active member
Ayyy well because you asked so nicely you fucking pleb, let me tell you EXACTLY what it's like to be successful in tag teams, as I am the guru. See, tag team wrestling is about knowing who your partner is, the in's the outs, and all that shit. Now most the time jamokes will think that you have to be best friends with a dude in order to be perfect partners.. Nah uh, not true. See you can be the most bitter rivals and still get that fucking real chemistry going you know? Like Korey and I, we really went at it man, we really hated each other, and it got to a point where he knew what I was going to do, and I knew what he was going to do. We made magic happen in that ring like bada boom, you know? We didn't find some rando like you to be a placement for some other rando just because I wasn't doing anything else. And that's where you two fail; ya got nothing in common; you barely know who each other are, and you're trying to find tag team success? That shit don't make any sense. Riddle me this fuck face, did you even stop and think that hey, after we win the Tag Team Championships.. I'm kinda stuck with him? To be a successful tag team you're going to have to eat, travel, stay in the same hotel room.. Be with each other 24/7 and can you do that with this freak? Legit the dudes a freak, and you think this is the guy to go to war with? Ight, you do you, but lemme tell you right here right now, this matchup is a matchup made in hell. You will be miserable with this guy let me tell you. What are you going to do? Do finger paintings with one of his sacrificed animals? Huh? I get it as long as it works in the ring you don't think it matters to get along with each other outside.. But that's not true take it from the Tag Team guru. But ayy don't worry the main event tag team known as Parental Advisory will be winning a match, thank you for your concern, and it will come at your expense. You talking all this shit just to get pinned, I could never. How embarrassed are you going to be? I mean first of all you're going to be standing in that ring across from me, an actual legit sex God, while you're standing over there looking like your name is stumpy.. That's one L; and then you're going to be laid out on your back, with no hope for rising back up the ladder. This is your shot, this is your one undeserved shot, and after this what happens? You have to find another way to weasel your way into something you don't deserve.

Why is the dude that could only get to second base on his cousin, then had to resort to finger blasting himself talking about Hannah? The fuck? is your sexual frustration that high? You really have to take unwarranted shots against the beautiful Hannah Marin? Nah that's a cheap shot you little fruit, that shit's not going to fly with me. What's with you incel types man? Why you always gotta be so fucking aggressive toward females because they never give you any pussy? Hannah is legit just chillin minding her own damn business, and you have to come out here pointing fingers while holding up a neon sign saying you're a virgin. Like bro we get it, you're a connoisseur when it comes to jacking your shit to porn; but we don't need to know that shit. It's not really something to be proud of. Did you really run out of material already? Going for the low hanging fruit? A woman? I mean come on, if you can't diss me, you have to take your aggression out somehow huh? And it would appear seeing as you never get attention from woman, that's where you always have to go with your anger. I'm not going to forget about the fact your little satanic friend hit Hannah in the back of the head when she wasn't even looking. How pussy do you two have to be? Huh? And you're proud of how big of a gaping pussy you guys are? What was that meant to prove? That you not only are pussies, but have gaping between your legs? Real tough big men huh? The Big Sauce would never, I have too much self respect to disrespect my mama like that.. Whoever she is. Guilty by association though Donovan, don't you get it? You're in a tag team now, and you have to take responsibility for ALL the shit that you two do together. Clearly it was pre planned, clearly it was something you knew was going to happen. So why run away from the truth? You hate woman, and especially pretty ones that would never fuck you, it's a sad reality, but maybe admitting it will help you out. Yap on about Pain For Pride ain't no skin off my cock, but what you fail to realize you underselling little bitch, is the fact this match will put us in line for the Tag Team Championships. An unseasoned team that doesn't even know who each other fucking are, are not going to do shit with us. I don't have to build a bridge and get over it you 13 year old sounding douche.. How girly can you sound Jesus Christ... But anyway I don't have to get over it, because after we beat you, I find myself in the same position that I was back then. And this time we hopefully get to face off against the douchebags that never deserved to win the titles in the first place. I get my retribution, and the Tag Team Championships that I should never have lost the chance at in the first place.

How have I repeated myself though when I only talked once? You high on some shit? You snorting that good shit my man? Hmm, EAW really does need to implement a drug testing system so scumbags like you can't give off a bad impression to the young kids. You fucking piece of shit, how the fuck dare you; little piece of shit kids watch this shit.. Fuck you. They're going to start going out and do herioine and die and it's all your fault. EAW will get sued, and you'll be fired, and I will laugh. Anyway yeah, you're fucking dumb, and I know that's one of the things you said that I say to you all the time apparently after my one promo, but it's true. I mean what more can be said about the things coming out of your cock sucking mouth? Nothing. I'm legit talking to walking breathing autism, fuck am i supposed to do with this shit? Have an intelligent conversation with him? That's not possible. But you know it's funny I didn't know retards couldn't count without taking off their shoes, can you explain that one to me? You seem to be quite the expert, seemingly you know from experience. But I really don't want to go back and forth and argue mundane shit like that. What I want to do is tell you why you're fucking terrible, and for you to actually get the cum out of your ears and actually listen. Embrace what I say, because in the long run it could actually help you. 1. You suck. 2. You should get better. 3. Shut the fuck up. and 4. Just because you say things, doesn't make it true. Your momma can suck my dick, and I'll bust a big fucking nut in her eye and make her blind, I don't fucking care about your mom or what she taught you. You seem like an inbred yourself, giving me some of the most basic insults I've ever fucking heard. Trash, like should we put you out on the side of the road for trash day so they can take you away? We're in a tag team match, and your partner has already abandoned you. How are you going to win when your partner doesn't even care that he's in the damn thing. Quite frankly, it was over before it started... It's just a shame I had to end your career before it even began... Fuck it, nah I love it; you never belonged in EAW anyway.​
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