The Absolute Truth
Dystychiphobia - the fear of accidents.

Alright, yeah, no one in this goddamn match ended up hearing out her cries about trying to figure out a way on how to stop this giraffe, maybe she should have been more subtle about it someway? I don’t know dude, there was a whole giraffe rampaging around the cities! Come on Aria, think about what you can do here to be able to solve this, how can you stop a giraffe? Obviously you can’t tell it to stop, it won’t listen to you, maybe if she is able to create something to stop her on her tracks? You know what, that wasn’t such a bad idea, but there was no way she could gather something up so fast with it running. But who said that it had to be a big pile up of things to stop it? She kept riding the skateboard and it was then that she noticed a hardware store, and she immediately got an idea. It was going to be super risky to pull it off with an animal like the giraffe but it was worth the risk!

She quickly stopped and ran over to buy something, throwing whatever cash the owner wanted before she came out with a rope! She quickly put it around her neck and then she started skating again, trying to go as fast as she could and find a way so she could end up in front of the giraffe instead of trying to catch up so she started taking the alleyways and going through the parks as she calmly tried to record on her camera and try her best to stay calm.

Oh, this rope I have around my neck? Nah don’t worry about it, I am just going to… perform some jump rope with it later, mhm!

Okay, back to the wrestlers on the match, yeah, I quickly noticed that this business is incredibly rough when it comes to the way the other people treat you on it, a way that I am able to inspire myself and I am able to give myself the fire that I need to get out of bed every morning despite the losses that I suffer from my matches, you just take what you get out of the match and you spin it on it’s head. That is how I push myself forward, you think as positive as you can and then you take out what made you happy from the loss, you find comfort in failure and then you grow up with every step that you take, if you take every loss and then you take nothing away from it, you just blame yourself for everything and you believe it was all your fault, then you are not going to be able to go forward in life in anyway, be proud that you were able to last longer from one match to another, that you are more confident in the words that you are speaking towards the people around you and how much weight they have on them, thank yourself for the performances you pulled off because no one else is going to thank you for them, and then you SEEK the chance at getting better every single match, all in all, just think positive about it, get up to your feet, dust yourself off and then you keep going.

Sometimes, change is good, changing into a person that you truly believe who you can be, changing into someone that people can look at and truly admire, take away lessons and inspiration from them, that is when change is good, when you change into a good for nothing piece of shit who loathes the world and truly believes they can’t learn anymore? That is when change is bad, as for me, I am more about the chance of being able to evolve, making the aspects of who you are raise up a level every single day of the week, and still be able to stay true to yourself no matter which way you cut it.

Believe me, I ended up losing my soul a few months ago, changing into someone that at the end I was not able to respect at all, trying to be a monster to stop the other monsters of the world, I quickly ended up realizing that being that kind of person was not going to achieve me what I desired, everything that I was fighting for, everything that I was seeking for was completely destroyed and turned against me when everyone in Chicago saw me crumble into the ground like that, being able to win the Grand Rampage match in your first try, being able to win a match like this after so many losses on your name, after so many times being stopped by obstacles that you could not get over, that is indeed breaking the mold, in a place where they will always trash your accomplishments or do whatever they can to try and tear you down, this match is truly undeniable in every way. I got my soul back after everything that has happened and I am not letting it disappear again. After so many losses when I first started out wrestling, after never achieving victory in years, that spirit of mine never broke, I continued wrestling until eventually I did it. I know what it is like being at the bottom, I know what it is like being at the top too, but it is the fact that I made that climb before, and I am going to do it again.

I am a weird person due to the fact that I can get motivated easily, that the more reasons that I have, the more I am going to work, the more I am going to put in, the more I will show up and show out, I have one thousand and one reasons to win this whole match and that is why I am making them be known, that is why despite the big number, I am always presenting those reasons to show that it is indicative of how much I truly care about myself, about how much I care when it comes to making a better future for me and my career, maybe it is indeed setting me up, maybe it is indeed not giving me a good chance doing something like this but you can’t already accept defeat on the first step, you have to be confident on yourself and who you are supposed to be at the end of everything. I respect your consistency and how you are not letting yourself slow down at the moment, but don’t you dare try and act now like I am tiring out when I have just began to pace myself after a fast start, got so many people annoyed and angry with that at first and now, I am just chilling.

But hey, I have loved our talks so far to be honest, you are an interesting guy to talk to, too bad that my mouth is protected by bandages and I can knee you on your jaw as soon as I see you on sight.

And it is funny that you talked to me about that, I don’t really like walking out after a match, I usually take my bicycle or I take an Uber to go back home, I never end up talking with anybody, but even if that happens, I am going to have tons of support from all of sides, that is what I do it for, I am hitting a home run and I am running around in victory until my legs give out. You have family or friends you are doing it for, Cody? I am curious to hear that as well.

Believe me, stakes or not, I don’t think that really matters in any way, you are still going to look forward to win no matter what, and every loss is going to hurt no matter how much it is behind it.

It just means more to me at the end of the day.

The truth does not bend, it is absolute, after all.

Yoooo, Ryan, good to see you again! I hope you have enjoyed the rest of your week as well, I am just hanging in there and doing my thing, and yeah, I am just keeping up as best as I can and I am continuing on with proving everyone wrong about my reasons and what I am willing to go through with, so you know, the usual of being a detective here! I still have a lot more left on the tank as well.

As for what everyone has said to us, yeah, I had a feeling that was going to end up happening, and yeah, believe me, I have said various times already that it was going to be inevitable that someone was going to speak up a lot, and that just happened to be the two of us, and it is just common sense that in a match like this you are going to end up speaking with a lot of people, about how we are rambling on when all we are doing is speaking our mind and trying to prove why we are we supposed to be the winners of this whole thing, I even saw someone else talk about someone aside from us that they were “rambling” too so believe me, I think it is just a petty insult that they are throwing at us to annoy us, but if you can prove that what you are saying does mean the world, then I assure you that you won’t have any more problems, Ryan. Hell, I trained the week before this one and I am just hanging out with my friends and my uncle solving a quick case here. I would like to say it is going well but uh… I don’t know, hopefully my idea right now works out to solve it, I will update you later!

Also oooh, no, I have not watched the Fallout show just yet, but Hazbin Hotel? Yeah, I have indeed! I thought it was funny that I saw a lot of people point out a lot of the swearing but I was pleasantly surprised by how actually good it was at the end, it has some songs but they are all pretty catchy and yeah, it is very charming so you should definitely see it, I am not a big sports fan but I hope you have fun wherever you are going and as for me, yeah, I have spent all my freetime trying to solve this case.

Yeah, I am also shocked at the sight of seeing so many people be angry by a gigantic number, hell, the whole “spamming” part has not even been done in anyway, we are not even close to how large the number was last year so yeah, I am cool with what you are saying as well on just continuing to do what we do best, we are just a bit out there with our strategies and I do not think there is anything wrong with that. If people are cool with you, then you are cool back, and if they try to bring you down, you throw back everything you have back at them, that is how I always lived and I will continue to live.

Continue doing what you are doing my dude, I will see you soon too!

Why do you call me a little girl, Usagi? Is it because of the way I speak? Is it because of my beliefs and the way that I carry myself? Is it because I still decide to run on my hopes and dreams? It does not matter to me because that is the way that boosts me forward, that is what fuels me to continue fighting and never let up for my whole life, that is what I ended up doing before when I was back in Japan, and that is what I am going to continue to do now, continue wrestling because I know that if I keep going, if I keep hoping hard enough, everything will end up looking up for me. You are not a woman who can look at the future Usagi, otherwise, you would have prevented so many things and made everything so much better. You do not know what kind of reality awaits for me when you do not even know what yours awaits as well.

The truth is never pretty, I very much know that.

But you know what? Yeah, you are indeed right! I have indeed gone far in the ring because of the people that believed in me, their own belief in me is what pushed me forward to try as hard as I could, to show that I could be as talented as I wanted to be in the ring if I so desired, they ended up helping me up when I had nobody else to look towards to and they ended up motivating me to continue going and to never let up, and even if I don’t have a music or an entrance, it doesn’t matter to me when I still get to do what I still love and what I do best, wrestling! You try to mock me when you say I will have nobody know, but you could not be any more wrong in your entire life. I will show you that when this girl born in Arizona wrestles in front of her homestate and everyone in that crowd will be supporting me as loud as they can.

And I will be able to finish everything off by myself, by my own hand when it most matters.

Losing that match against Pandora put my head back on my shoulders, it made me realize that just going through with revenge was going to burn me up in every way possible, that is why I made peace with what happened and I apologized about what I did wrong, but the fact that you won’t be able to get over it is what going to cost you, that negativity? All of that hate and rage that is inside you? Being stuck in the past, you saw it did not work for me, hell, it is the entire reason why I am on the bottom again, so why do you think it is going to work for you this time? You are right in being angry with me for some things, but as the reason for why you were not able to succeed before? I straight up told you I did not want this to turn into an argument on who was the biggest loser here.

You had your chance at being able to succeed without me by your side, without me supposedly holding you back, and then you failed as well when the opportunities came towards you, the both of us lost without each other, there is no point at fighting over that.

But you know what I will always have over you? That I find hope in the darkness, that despite the losses, the heartbreak, the indifferent cruelty of the universe? It is my indomitable spirit that keeps going despite it. What I will always have over you is that I can bounce back and reach up to greater heights than where I was before, and I am going to prove that by winning this whole thing and defeating you! This… all of this means I can get as loud as I want…

I won’t die with a whisper.

Life is meaningless at the end of the day if you are just going to end up passing away… it does not mean you can’t leave your name and your story behind so everyone else can remember who I am.

And my name will be indeed remembered.

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